Monday, April 7, 2014
Busy Weekend...
So we had a pretty busy weekend. We were running around with Mommy on Saturday and had some serious fun with our friends playing outside. On Sunday, Daddy made us late so we didn't get to go to church, but we did some shopping and then went to Kaylynn's birthday party! We had such a good time. It doesn't get much better than being able to run around like crazy, jump, bounce and pretty much be WILD!! and your parents really dont' tell you to stop. I mean Mommy was in the bounce house with us jumping up and down too. You know, I've tried to turn my bed and our couch into bounce houses and stuff, but my parents don't think very highly of that.
But I think the best was this. Dylan and I were going HARD all day playing and having fun. He didn't take a nap. He was getting tired when we were leaving the party. I was even tired and you know, I'm almost 5 so that just goes to show you that we did A LOT!
Well check out this video because you can see how TIRED Dylan was!!
Lollipop vs Sleep. Sleep Wins!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Let's Get this Thing GOING!
I think it is about time I get back in the game. Getting ready to turn 5 and little bro is turning 2. I also think I'm going to let Dylan post on here for himself sometimes. We will see how that goes.
This was Halloween....
This is how we like to hang out....
This is going to be fun.....
Monday, October 15, 2012
No Excuse....Only that I have been having FUN with DYLAN!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my little brother Dylan Asher Corona. He is awesome. He doesn't do much but cry, eat, sleep, poop and make pee pee, but I love him. Well, now he is almost 3 months old and he likes to laugh at me and he tries to pull my glasses and my hair, but its okay. I get a little upset but Mommy says he doesn't know that he is hurting me. He is just trying to touch me and his little fingers get stuck. I guess that is okay.
I give him kisses, He LOVES my kisses. I tell Mommy that everytime she tells me that I am "in his face" too much. But I know he loves it and I love him. So she just has to let me.
I also help Mommy and Daddy when they need diapees and wipes. I don't like picking up the poopey diapes because they smell but I do it and throw it out for Mommy and Daddy. I like helping and I like being a big brother.
Here are some pictures of me and my new little brother!!
Halloween is coming up and I am going to be a race car driver. I think Mommy said Dyland was going to be Superman because that is what I was for my first Halloween. But it is going to be fun!!!
We will see you soon!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
It Is Almost Time
My baby brother will be FINALLY coming out of Mommy's belly next Friday!!! Woo Hoo I can't wait. My best friend Connor's baby brother Ryder is already here so now I need my baby brother.
There has been a lot that has happened, but the biggest is now I am 3 YEARS OLD!! I know it is kind of crazy. We have been to Lake Jordan and Falls Lake and we went to the beach with Titi Chell this weekend!
We also went to New Jersey in November and then in March and then to see abuela in May. We have been pretty busy. You saw my new big boy room! And though I know I am getting big I still don't want to use the potty I know. We keep having this discussion with Mommy AND Daddy AND Titi Chell AND my friends, but hey....actually this is one of my favorite things to watch right now....
The Potty Years I hope you like it.
Okay gotta go. I promise I will keep you posted on my baby brother.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I Know, You Probably Thought I Gave Up or Something....
Things have just been really really busy. And guess what I am going to have a baby brother. I am excited about that. Right now he is in Mommy's belly but I talk to him sometimes. I think he listens too when Mommy and I read books together. I think it is going to be cool having a little brother and being the BIG GUY around the house.
I also just moved into my new room. Oh yeah, I got the biggest room and Mommy and Daddy adn Titi Chell and Gwen painted it blue and green and I have the BIG bed and Mommy put my Lightening McQueen radio on my night stand. I really like my new blue room. And my old room is going to be my baby brother's room.
Here I am watching TV in my room!

Oh and my birthday is coming soon. And then that is whe nmy baby brother will get here. After my birthday! I am excited. We are going to have fun together, driving Mommy and Daddy crazy and playing with my friends. I am going to have to introduce him to everybody and make sure they don't mess with him!
Oh yeah we've been working on this ptty training thing. Yeah, I'm not a fan. Even if my boy Connor is going on the potty, I am just not going to do it. I mean I know what I need to do, but it is just so inconvenient. i have to stop what I am doing pull down my pants, pull down my pull up, sit on the potty, clean myself, pull up my pull up, pull up my pants. Gosh it is exhausting just thinking about it. They keep saying big boys make pee pee and poopie on the potty, WHATEVER. I will do it when I want to, just don't tell Mommy. She is trying.
This is what they do to me, put me outside in underwear (which I DO like) to play with my watertable.

I mean Titi Chell even put the potty in my room when we were painting so I could go. But, like I said, I'll do it when I want. I just don't want to right now.
More to come soon with all my adventures coming up!
See you later!
I also just moved into my new room. Oh yeah, I got the biggest room and Mommy and Daddy adn Titi Chell and Gwen painted it blue and green and I have the BIG bed and Mommy put my Lightening McQueen radio on my night stand. I really like my new blue room. And my old room is going to be my baby brother's room.
Here I am watching TV in my room!

Oh and my birthday is coming soon. And then that is whe nmy baby brother will get here. After my birthday! I am excited. We are going to have fun together, driving Mommy and Daddy crazy and playing with my friends. I am going to have to introduce him to everybody and make sure they don't mess with him!
Oh yeah we've been working on this ptty training thing. Yeah, I'm not a fan. Even if my boy Connor is going on the potty, I am just not going to do it. I mean I know what I need to do, but it is just so inconvenient. i have to stop what I am doing pull down my pants, pull down my pull up, sit on the potty, clean myself, pull up my pull up, pull up my pants. Gosh it is exhausting just thinking about it. They keep saying big boys make pee pee and poopie on the potty, WHATEVER. I will do it when I want to, just don't tell Mommy. She is trying.
This is what they do to me, put me outside in underwear (which I DO like) to play with my watertable.

I mean Titi Chell even put the potty in my room when we were painting so I could go. But, like I said, I'll do it when I want. I just don't want to right now.
More to come soon with all my adventures coming up!
See you later!
Monday, November 14, 2011
I Guess It Has Been That Long....
Sooooo MY BAD! Yeah I know since September and so much has happened. Let's give you the quick run down.
End of September, Mommy's birthday. Yeah I was messing with her, she kept telling me to sing Happy Birthday to her, but I would sing "Happy Birthday Daddy". I don't think she liked that too much, but I thought it was HILARIOUS!!!
Mommy kept asking me what I wanted to be for Halloween. And seriously I was just excited that it was Halloween. I'm not to sure about all the dressing up stuff. We did go to the pumpkin farm and rode the train...yes, I know AWESOME!!! I love trains!!! And next best thing, I got to jump in all the hay I wanted. I mean it was really high, like I scared Mommy and Daddy AND some people watching because I was jumping off. LOL It was so cool.
Well Halloween came, I didn't want to put on the costume Mommy borrowed from my friend. It was rainy and ugly outside so we stayed in and I got to hand out the candy, until this very WEIRD person came to the door, with all this paint and stuff and I did NOT like it. Okay, I'll admit it, I got scared. I pretty much hung out on the couch the rest of the time and peeked out of the pillow when the door bell rang.
Now November has been very cool so far. We had my hearing appointment at UNC and I did awesome! My ears have gotten a little better in some parts, but Ms. Sarah thinks that is because one of my tubes fell out and my ear drum healed. Yeah, I know Mommy likes that information. I was just having a good time playing with the toys and Ms. Sarah.
And I got to hang out with some really cool people this weekend. Me and Mommy and Daddy went to Bald Head Island for the Care Project Retreat! I got to met more kids that have hearing aids and some other that have these cool things called Choclear implants. Ms. Janine called them "cokies" I like that better. I hung out with this boy Talon who was like my age and he had a little brother, Dylan. Dylan was cool, but he just stayed on the floor a lot and didn't talk much. I remember when I was that little....but Talon and I yeah once we got comfortable we got to running around and laughing and playing. I even have the bump on my head to prove it! Yeah, I tripped and fell, but its okay! Oh and I am totally loving these cheese crackers and peanut butter and goldfish now! You all know my food issues....I just don't like certain things. But, I am eating more things these days. I love me some tortilla chips and yeah before I used to lick them and spit them out. I know nasty, I have already had this conversation with Mommy AND Daddy! But now I totally eat them all up and these crackers that I saw Talon eating. So awesome. We went out and bought a whole bunch for the house.
Everyone on the retreat was awesome and it was really cool to be with other kids who had hearing aids just like me!!! Mommy and Daddy had a really good time also.
Well we are getting ready to go see Pop-Pop and Uncle Joey and all the rest of my Corona family!! I can't wait!! New Jersey here we come. Ohh and I am going to go see my boy Connor and hang out in JC!
Things are getting fun.....
I know no pictures....there will be A LOT SOON!!!
End of September, Mommy's birthday. Yeah I was messing with her, she kept telling me to sing Happy Birthday to her, but I would sing "Happy Birthday Daddy". I don't think she liked that too much, but I thought it was HILARIOUS!!!
Mommy kept asking me what I wanted to be for Halloween. And seriously I was just excited that it was Halloween. I'm not to sure about all the dressing up stuff. We did go to the pumpkin farm and rode the train...yes, I know AWESOME!!! I love trains!!! And next best thing, I got to jump in all the hay I wanted. I mean it was really high, like I scared Mommy and Daddy AND some people watching because I was jumping off. LOL It was so cool.
Well Halloween came, I didn't want to put on the costume Mommy borrowed from my friend. It was rainy and ugly outside so we stayed in and I got to hand out the candy, until this very WEIRD person came to the door, with all this paint and stuff and I did NOT like it. Okay, I'll admit it, I got scared. I pretty much hung out on the couch the rest of the time and peeked out of the pillow when the door bell rang.
Now November has been very cool so far. We had my hearing appointment at UNC and I did awesome! My ears have gotten a little better in some parts, but Ms. Sarah thinks that is because one of my tubes fell out and my ear drum healed. Yeah, I know Mommy likes that information. I was just having a good time playing with the toys and Ms. Sarah.
And I got to hang out with some really cool people this weekend. Me and Mommy and Daddy went to Bald Head Island for the Care Project Retreat! I got to met more kids that have hearing aids and some other that have these cool things called Choclear implants. Ms. Janine called them "cokies" I like that better. I hung out with this boy Talon who was like my age and he had a little brother, Dylan. Dylan was cool, but he just stayed on the floor a lot and didn't talk much. I remember when I was that little....but Talon and I yeah once we got comfortable we got to running around and laughing and playing. I even have the bump on my head to prove it! Yeah, I tripped and fell, but its okay! Oh and I am totally loving these cheese crackers and peanut butter and goldfish now! You all know my food issues....I just don't like certain things. But, I am eating more things these days. I love me some tortilla chips and yeah before I used to lick them and spit them out. I know nasty, I have already had this conversation with Mommy AND Daddy! But now I totally eat them all up and these crackers that I saw Talon eating. So awesome. We went out and bought a whole bunch for the house.
Everyone on the retreat was awesome and it was really cool to be with other kids who had hearing aids just like me!!! Mommy and Daddy had a really good time also.
Well we are getting ready to go see Pop-Pop and Uncle Joey and all the rest of my Corona family!! I can't wait!! New Jersey here we come. Ohh and I am going to go see my boy Connor and hang out in JC!
Things are getting fun.....
I know no pictures....there will be A LOT SOON!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
They Exist!
You know my Mommy and Daddy think they know everything, but I know what I saw. And I saw a DINOSAUR!! Yes, that is right. I am telling everyone in the world right now that I saw a dinosaur. It was big and brown and had a horn on its nose, just like the ones I have seen in books and it was walking and playing with another dinosaur. Sure, Mommy called it a rhino, but I know what I saw. It was a dinosaur.
We went to the zoo last weekend and I got to see elephants and giraffes, who looked like they were fighting with each other. We saw bears! And gorillas! And some funny monkeys called baboons that kept licking the glass thinking they were licking me! Well not really me, there were other kids there playing with the baboons. I didn't want to get too close. I mean if they think they can lick us through the glass, maybe they know a special way to do it and get know? So I kind of hung back a bit.
We rode on a school bus, well not really a school bus, but that is what I called it. It was a zebra bus, it had stripes and stuff. I also got a new car!!! I know you would think my Mommy and Daddy wouldn't buy me anymore cars. Mommy is always talking about how they are "all over the place" but we got one and it says NC Zoo on it! I took some cool pictures on the elephant statue and the bison! Here check out some pics of that day. Oh and I am going to try to put up a link to the "dinosaur video" for you guys to see.

Checking out the seal!

Me and the bison!!

Check out the bear in between me and Daddy.
(Mommy was trying to get fancy with her pictures....she tries...

Me and the baby elephant! I love the elephants

Here I am in the helicopter they use to track the elephants! I know, I look good flying this thing, right?
I will post all of the pictures later. Oh here is the video of me and Mommy Dinosaurs at the NC Zoo
We went to the zoo last weekend and I got to see elephants and giraffes, who looked like they were fighting with each other. We saw bears! And gorillas! And some funny monkeys called baboons that kept licking the glass thinking they were licking me! Well not really me, there were other kids there playing with the baboons. I didn't want to get too close. I mean if they think they can lick us through the glass, maybe they know a special way to do it and get know? So I kind of hung back a bit.
We rode on a school bus, well not really a school bus, but that is what I called it. It was a zebra bus, it had stripes and stuff. I also got a new car!!! I know you would think my Mommy and Daddy wouldn't buy me anymore cars. Mommy is always talking about how they are "all over the place" but we got one and it says NC Zoo on it! I took some cool pictures on the elephant statue and the bison! Here check out some pics of that day. Oh and I am going to try to put up a link to the "dinosaur video" for you guys to see.

Checking out the seal!

Me and the bison!!

Check out the bear in between me and Daddy.
(Mommy was trying to get fancy with her pictures....she tries...

Me and the baby elephant! I love the elephants

Here I am in the helicopter they use to track the elephants! I know, I look good flying this thing, right?
I will post all of the pictures later. Oh here is the video of me and Mommy Dinosaurs at the NC Zoo
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