Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Scared Daddy!!!! It was soooo fuuny...

Well my adventures at UNC Children's Hospital have been interesting. Mommy and daddy and Pop-Pop have been here with me the whole time. I just have a quick little story to tell you guys. Daddy was hugging and kissing me and trying to calm me down the other night. I was laying down in the crib, but I was having a hard time breathing. So just like how anyone else would be, I was upset! Daddy was picking me up trying to hold me and shift me in the bed to help me and then I just started crying....REALLY LOUD...LOL and then two seconds later I fell asleep INSTANTLY!! Imagine that one, my daddy is so concerend trying to help me, I am crying and then all of a sudden I just STOP! HAHAHAHA Daddy got so scared. And then he started laughing so hard and he told mommy and Pop-Pop. Mommy was laughing so hard!! Daddy's heart fell to the floor he thought he had done something wrong, but that was just my first big joke I played on daddy....don't worry dad there is a lot more where that came from...I'm going to be just like you.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I AM HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On June 9, 2009 I decided to grace the world with my presence!! After putting mommy through 40 hours of labor and contractions, an epidural and many other nice infusions of numbing medications for mommy, I decided to say, "Nah, I'm not coming out this way. You all have to come in and get me!" It was my first and I think my best game of hide-and-seek.

They took mommy to the operating room and daddy got to put on the scrubs and come in to be with mommy when they were taking me out. Mommy was a little nervous because her spinal block was SOOOOO GOOD!! it made her chest and lungs relax so much that she almost couldn't breath. But she made it through with daddy right by her side.

Daddy was awesome he spent a lot of time with me when they were sewing up mommy's belly. He brought me to see mommy when she was still on the table and then they swooped me up to clean me up and check me out from head to toe.

It was an amazing day meeting my mommy and daddy. I wasn't able to spend the night with them because I needed some special attention from the great nurses and doctors in the Special Care Nursery. Daddy had been with me for a while and spent most of the time with me because mommy had to stay in her bed the rest of the day, but Karen one of my nurses snuck me in to see mommy so she could hug and kiss me and say good night.

It was a great night meeting my parents. I have a lot of other doctors to meet to check me out but meeting my parents was the best!! Pictures are coming soon stay tuned....

Friday, June 5, 2009

Still Keeping Them Guessing

I am really enjoying keeping mommy and daddy on their toes. I am still hanging out with mommy. It is just so comfortable in here!! Why would I want to leave?

Well, I may make my appearance sooner, but if I choose not to, the choice will be made for me. Look at that, my parent's are already running my life! I can't even make this decision on my own. I guess this is a sign of things to come. So depending on my mood, if I am feeling a bit shy about meeting everyone that will all change on June 11th. That is when they will be coming for me. But we will see if I assert MY independance sooner than that and surprise them this weekend...hehehe

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In the Beginning....

A little background on me...

My mom and dad wanted me really bad. Mommy found out she was pregnant right before her 30th birthday. On September 27th she took a test and WHOA!! it was positive. They were a little nervous, but very excited. They kept it under wraps for a little while, just to make sure everything was okay.

That weekend Titi Chell and Mike came down to celebrate mommy's birthday. While they were shopping at New York & Co. mommy and Titi Chell were in the dressing room trying on clothes and mommy told Titi that I was coming. Titi was so excited and everyone was so happy. Mike congratulated daddy and we really celebrated that weekend.

I was pretty good for mommy the whole time I was in her belly. I didn't make her too sick or too mean. I really enjoy being with mommy....so much that I was supposed to come out and meet everyone on June 1st and I decided not to!!

Now mom and dad are waiting to meet me...I think I will begin my first adventure into this new world really soon. We will see...I may keep you guessing.

Well last night daddy surprised mommy with creating this blog all about me!! I am very lucky and happy that I can share with everyone.

Look forward to seeing pictures about my first trip home, meeting my Pop-Pop, seeing Titi Chell, meeting my dog Jersey (who I hear mommy yell at a lot) and hopefully going on my first road trip to Florida to meet my abuela, Tia Arelis, and all of my family there!!

See you soon!
