Oh I had such a good time. I admit I was a little afraid on Dunkin' the dog. He is pretty big like Jersey, but it was cool. Daddy was getting frustrated because I wanted to be on the floor and walking around to go see and find Dunkin' but then I would come running up to get on the couch when he came towards me!!! LOL Yeah and Mommy was surprised because I kept saying Dunkin's name. It is pretty easy to say, not sure what the commotion was about, but they kept asking me to say it, so I would. And then once in a while I would just throw it out there when he would walk by...oh it is so funny to see the adults laugh and get all excited!!!
We went to the pool on Saturday and went swimming. I LOVE THE POOL!!! And then on Sunday we went to the place called Concord Mills and they have a little playground for kids and I was going all over the place and went on the slide. It was fun! Mommy was in there with me. I think she had a little more fun than I did. She was crawling through the tunnels to try to get me to follow her, but I am no fool! You don't know what can happen in those things!!!!

My Titi Chell and my Mommy, yes I am wearing a hat...you'll understand when you see the other pictures...LOL

Up close and personal! I was running around Mommy trying to scare her and she snapped the picture!

Here I am just struttin' LOL