Okay, let me set this up....I was very excited to go the Ken's Korny Korn Maze. Daddy's company was having their Family Fall Day, but I was very tired....
I hadn't napped all morning and I fell asleep 2 minutes before we got there. When Mommy opened the door, I didn't go back to sleep. I wanted to see everything. I was walking around. It was so cool just being able to roam around. We went up to this tower thing where we could see the BIG corn maze. We didn't do it though.... We did go on a hay ride! That was pretty cool and Mommy and Daddy let me stand up to see out of the trailer thing, of course they were holding me! So in the pictures you can see how tired, Mommy, Daddy and I are LOL Daddy had to work in the morning so he was really tired. Titi Janette was with us and that was cool.
We got a great big pumpkin that Mommy says we are going to carve. I have no idea what that is, but hey I am okay with whatever we do. And then I got a little one for me...and a really really little one that Mommy is going to put my name on!!
Oh and we are going to another farm next weekend for a birthday party! That should be cool!!!
Okay here are some pictures!!
Me and Mommy in the tower.
Loving the slides!!
Seriously really loving the slides!!!!
On the hay ride....I can't remember what I was looking at there!
Going down the BIG SLIDE!!! WEEEEEEEEE

Having a moment with my Daddy!!

I was taking a moment for myself.....I was R E A L L Y T I R E D..........