Monday, March 28, 2011

Fun Times!

Hello my peoples!!! Here I am being silly with my Daddy!!

It has been awesome outside, up until today! Mommy had to get me dressed so warm and bundled up. I don't know if I like this. I was loving going outside and playing every afternoon. Yeah Mommy says I drive her crazy when I keep saying "Mommy Outside! Mommy Outside!" But eventually it works and we go outside. I know I need to be patient, she keeps using that word because she says I always want to go out when she is trying to cook dinner. I guess I may have to work on that. Anyway, I do NOT LIKE coming inside, but I know at some point it has to happen.....

Well my Abuela and Titi Arelis came to see me, last weekend and my cousin Darwin has been staying with us so that has been cool. We spent a lot of time outside playing with Jersey and driving my car so that was AWESOME! We even started to do some exercises outside, pull ups and some push ups! No seriously I have pictures check it out...

Well first, here I am with my Abuela.

Okay, you see here I am doing push ups. Darwin and Daddy were competing so I had to get in on the fun.

They were also doing pull ups and yeah I did it!

You didn't think I did it by myself, did you? I mean I know I am talented but come on LOL

Even Mommy got in on the fun and was doing them, but she couldn't do what Daddy was doing! She looked kind of funny.

Then, this weekend Mommy and Daddy got me a basketball hoop!!! Yeah, not kidding and they said it will grow with me because it goes up to 6 feet, which is REAL big like Daddy Tall!!! So that is cool. We put it together last night when we got home and we had some fun!

Here I am making my first dunk...with a little help from my cuzzo!

Here I am practicing my form. Not bad right?

And here I am jamming right over Daddy!!!! Watch out you big ballers, here comes ADC!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Know It Has Been A While! By The Way I Am 21 Months Today

But, I have been having so much fun. I went to my friend's birthday party last weekend. His name is Cesar, Jr. They had a big bounce house and everything. And there were pictures of Mickey Mouse and all of his friends. There were a lot of kids there, some my age and some other big kids. And my crew was there, Ashley, Ronnie, and Alexa!

I did get in the bounce house and it was fun for a little bit, but there were too many kids and I couldn't even really walk very much. So I hung out by the door, well that little hole that you use to get in and watched all these kids GO CRAZY! It was pretty funny.
Here I am trying to run away from Brianna. She wanted the ball! No way man! It's mine. But seriously it was so HARD to run in that thing!!

I did get hold of a basketball, which I LOVE!! and I was bouncing it and then kicking it with Jr's big sister Jennifer. She is playing soccer now. I kept bringing it in to the house and Mommy kept telling me I had to take it outside. HA! but Jr's mommy said it was okay!
You see here I am trying to get in the house with the ball.

Here I am chilling with Diego in the playhouse outside. I really liked this thing. I may have to get one of these!! It is a nice place to relax....LOL

and cause trouble!!!

Gotta run! Always on the run, that is me!!!! Oh and this last pic Jennifer caught me by surprise, but I figured, hey why not put it up!!
