Thursday, December 31, 2009

Check Out My Daddy!!!!

Okay so this picture is of my Great Grandpa. Check out the pistol he has and that is my Daddy that he is holding. Look at his crazy curly hair!!!! And those people in the background are my aunts and uncles. My Daddy was 10 months old in this picture. Just thought I would share this will everyone!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Here are the pictures!

Mommy put all of our pictures on that Photobucket thing. She isn't as computer savvy as I am so they are a little out of order, but you will get the picture....literally LOL oh I crack my self up sometimes.

By the way!!!!!! Have I told you? I have two bottom teeth!!!!!

I don't let Mommy take pictures of my mouth often, but I might so you guys can see. Stay tuned.

Here is the link to the pictures.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!

Okay so this Christmas thing was REALLY cool!! I got a bunch of fun stuff from my family and I got to hang out with them for a WHOLE weekend! That was awesome. Mommy has a bunch of pictures. She was going to use some photobucket thing, she said and create a link on my blog. Not sure if she did that yet. But, she did send a bunch of pictures to put on my blog. So here are some from our awesome family Christmas!!!

Here I am with Nino and Lauren...

This is my Uncle Joey and Mommy with me on Christmas Eve.

that Santa guy brought me this cool sit and stand farm animal toy! Look at what a big boy I am!

I swiped one of Daddy's Christmas has Corona stitched on the cousin Lauren took this picture of me when we were playing on the floor.

Oh and Mommy says this is my B-Boy face....this was the day after Christmas when we were all just hanging out at the house.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Man! She Caught Me!!!!

Enough said....

Oh here is me and Mommy this weekend. We were getting ready to go out to finish Christmas shopping with Daddy. Daddy likes to hold me when we walk around the stores...yup, you guessed it ALL THE LADIES GO CRAZY for my blue glasses and big thighs!!!! It is hard being a Corona man sometimes...;)

Okay so here is a new video that Tio took of me. It sounds kind of funny because Mommy thinks I am going to try to crawl to the phone. She has NO IDEA that I already have it in my hands!!! HA HA! I got you Mommy! But, what is really weird is that Mommy and Titi Chell sound SOOOO MUCH alike on the phone. Mommy almost didn't want to put the video up because people might get confused. But I told her the people who read my blog are pretty smart because they just love me SO MUCH!! so it would be okay.

Oh Oh Oh only a couple more days!!! Pop-Pop, Nino, and Lauren should be here on Wednesday night!! Woo-Hoo yay Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pediatric Opto-something or other...

Well Mommy calls it something else, but we went to the eye doctor last night. Me, Mommy and Daddy. It had been a while since we went last. Mommy says I am really nearsighted. That means I can only see things really well up close. If it gets too far (without my glasses) I can't tell you what is going on. Well duh I can't talk so I REALLY can't tell you what is going on, but I can't recognize or focus on things too far away. Anyway, Gwen is like this also so I guess I take after my cousin LOL. Well, when they checked my eyes the first time the doctor said I needed a -18 prescription, but they were only going to give me a prescription that was -14. Not my full prescription. He said because I was so little they didn't need to give me everything all at once. Well, check it out! Last night when they checked my eyes, they had GOTTEN BETTER! I didn't need a stronger prescription like my doctor thought I would. He said the prescription I have is just perfect for me now!

Mommy and Daddy were so happy. They thought I was going to have to get new stronger glasses, but no baby not me!!!!

Oh and I was climbing all over the place last night. I really like when I am on the couch with Mommy or Daddy or on the floor and I can jump all over them! LOL Oh and I am getting better at this crawling thing. I am not fully there yet, but Mommy and I were playing on the floor last night after the doctor's appointment and tell would you feel? We are playing on the floor and I was trying to grab Mommy's hands and she moved them away, so I had to scoot/crawl to get closer to her hands and EVERY TIME I got closer....she moved away again! What is up with that? And then she was doing it with my football too! She kept telling Daddy to watch me, but I just got tired and started rolling on the floor to get where I needed to go. Ha! she thinks she is smarter than me, but I caught on to her game.

Hey check out this picture....Mommy calls it my Spider Man shot!

9 more days until I see Pop-Pop and my cousins! And hopefully I will meet my Uncle Joey!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

They Really Underestimate Me....

They think I don't get it. It is actually kind of funny. They think I have no clue, but I know what is going on. I see all the fuss over this Christmas thing. Mommy was wrapping presents this weekend.....hmmm....I KNOW some of them were for me. I mean I was really interested in the cardboard tube thing that the wrapping paper was on and the box of Play-Dou, no not the Play Dou; the actual box it came in. It was so cool! There were these holes where I could put my fingers and a handle that I could grab, so I really don't know WHAT they got me, but I know it was something. LOL They think they are so slick. Mommy was saying this was probably the last time she could wrap presents in front of me.

Oh and what is up with this Mommy and Daddy going out thing. Mommy didn't put me in my crib last night. Gwen did! And then when I woke up I was playing with Gwen and Tio and then Tio put me in my crib again! I always have a good time with Gwen and Tio and Mommy was there when I woke up at 3:30 am because I was hungry, but what are they thinking!? Mommy said something about Daddy's Christmas Dinner Party for work. Yeah, ok. Alright, enough complaining. LOL It IS Christmas time....we are supposed to be good or something like that.

Well I am excited because there are more presents under the tree!!!!! Keep wrapping Mommy keep wrapping....I know they aren't all for me, but it looks sooooo nice!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Again? For Real? Why?

Well I had to get shots again today. My God, you all know how I feel about this, so I won't go into details. Gwen came with Mommy and I this time. Mommy thought it would be good since she wants to be a pediatrician. We had to fill out this long question sheet. Mommy kept asking me questions and Gwen was asking questions too, but I was off the charts EXCELLENT in everything!!! That is what Mommy says. She may play favorites, but my doctor said I was doing really great. Oh and that with my big thighs I probably wouldn't even feel the shots....uh-sorry YOU were WRONG, but I don't want to go there again.

Here are the stats:

17 lbs 9 oz and I am 26 1/2 inches long!
And NO MORE SHOTS until I am One Year Old....Nice!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

6 Months Old

What's up world!!! I am moving and groving! This morning I made Mommy so pround when she saw me doing my skull drag/crawl to get my football LOL. Wow my parents are so easily entertained! LOL

Here are the pictures Mommy was working on. We took them this weekend. Oh and I have a doctor's appintment tomorrow so we will have new stats on my height and weight.

Happy HALF Birthday to ME!!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

What is this AWESOME Orange Stuff!?

Mommy gave me this orange stuff on the spoon again...I know she tries...I was a little skeptical but wow it was pretty good. She kept making goofy faces and saying "HMMMM, that's good, right?" She seemed to be a bit more excited than I was, but it was good. I have to admit. She said it was sweet potatoes. I did a lot better on Sunday also. I am not eating A LOT of it, but Mommy was worried about my swallowing and I did a lot better with that. I guess the more practice the better. I wonder what is the next thing she is going to put on that spoon....hmmmm....

Anyways, oh Mommy wanted you guys to see how I "chill out" in my high chair. I don't know what it is, but I am just more comfortable putting my leg up on the middle part of my chair. It is like a little foot rest I guess. Mommy says I think I am big man already. LOL

Oh and I shocked Mommy last was kind of funny. Well Mommy had just given me my bath and we were going to go back downstairs to go hang out with Daddy before bedtime. She put me in my crib sitting down and went to the bathroom. Yeah I was a bit upset because I did not want to be in there so I started crying....what do you want me to do? I can't talk yet! Well Mommy was in the bathroom next door emptying out my tub and she is talking to me trying to calm me down, but I wanted out so there was no stopping me. Mommy finished real quick and walked back to my room and stopped at the door and then she started calling for Daddy to come upstairs right away! I didn't know what all the commotion was about, but apparently it was a BIG thing that I pulled myself up on the side of my crib and was standing there, crying waiting for Mommy. Well when I saw her at the door, I just sat back down and let go and Daddy didn't see. But Mommy told Gwen and Tio and Titi and was talking about lowering my mattress. WOW what a reaction. I may just have to do that again sometime.....I mean I just stood up people, no big deal I have been trying to climb onto everything lately. Yeah Mommy says I look funny when I am on my hands and knees and I just move back and forth. She say I look like I am revving myself up to take off, but I usually just go backwards these days...LOL

Oh Mommy is working on some new pictures since I will be 6 months in 2 days!! Let's see what she sends me later.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh What A Surprise!!!

Wow how cool was this. I had woken up from a nap and Tio had just given me my milk and we were hanging out. Then Mommy called Tio and told him something, but I don't know what it was. I didn't ask him what she said. And the next thing I know TITI CHELL was at the door!! That was such a great surprise. She had gone to have lunch with Mommy and then came to see me!! She is such a good Titi. She gave me so many kisses and hugs. It was awesome.

Here is a picture of us on the couch!

Love you Titi!!! Come back again real soon!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wow Thanksgiving Was Fun!!

It was such a good day with Mommy and Daddy on Thanksgiving! We spent the day hanging out and Mommy was cooking and cleaning and later on Tio Jr., Tia Jaci and my cousins came over! We all sat at the table and had a good time and then I was playing with my cousins. It was awesome!

Oh when Mommy went upstairs to take a shower she came down this is what she

Then on Friday, Daddy had to go to work, so it was just me and Mommy. We were getting things ready to go to Titi Chell's house for her birthday party. Mommy said she turned 40 and it was a BIG deal!! When Daddy got home we got all packed up and hit the road. Have I ever told you all how much I DISLIKE my carseat?! I mean come on WHO INVENTED THIS THING? I was pretty upset about being in there after about an hour, I just wanted OUT. Mommy kept saying she was sorry and that she couldn't take me out and I have to give her credit. She really tried to make me comfortable and played with me the whole time in the backseat. I did end up taking a nap but it wasn't long at all. THANK GOD!! We finally got to Titi's house. Mommy said something to Daddy about driving to Florida "maybe out of the picture" not sure what that means, but if it involves a carseat, count me OUT!

Well at the party, everyone wanted to hold me and Titi was kissing me all up and squeezing me all up! I missed Titi, I hadn't seen her in awhile. Mommy was afraid I was going to fall asleep and not be up to see Titi, but I stayed up pretty late that night and had a lot of fun. Titi has the pictures I have to ask her to send me some so I can post them up.

We stayed on Saturday and took it easy ALL day. Here is the evidence of what we did.....

I like to take naps and Mommy and Daddy do also....when they

On Sunday we had to go do a little shopping and check out what Mommy and Daddy got me!!!

Cool I know, right?! Well I was having a good time trying to eat the rings and I even tried to put them back on the stick thing. Titi Janette said I was a genius baby! I guess that is a good thing. Oh and don't mind the hot pink blanket I am playing on. That used to be Mommy's blanket. She used to take it with her for naps when she was in Pre-K. I think it is kind of cool that I get to play on it. Though I took a nap on there the other day and my arm had all these funky marks!!! But it is comfy. Okay time to go! Catch you guys later!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Preparing for Thanksgiving!

Wow we had another fun weekend!! Mommy and I had a morning just the two of us and we went shopping for all the stuff she needs to make for Thanksgiving. I sat up big and strong in the seat of the shopping cart! That was cool, but after we left the first store I got really tired and we didn't stay long at the second store. Sorry Mommy....

Well on Saturday night I had a friend come visit me! His name is Tre. Daddy's friend from work came over with his family and he has a little person just like me, well he was a little bit bigger. He was doing this thing holding onto the table and moving around it. Mommy said he was walking. That looked SO cool. I kept watching him. I would hold on to the table for a little bit, but didn't walk yet. Mommy said it is okay. She is in no rush. We had fun hanging on the couch. Here are some pictures. Daddy is holding me and Tre's mommy is holding him. Check it out.

Mommy said I was having a "teaching moment" in this picture....LOL

Well that was fun and then on Sunday we went to Tio Junior's house to celebrate him getting his plumbing license....yeah I don't know what that is, but he is really happy, so I will be happy for him. I had a good time. I was playing with a little girl named Jasmine and I met a lot of people. I got a little nervous when I first got there, but I knew Mommy and Daddy were there and they would take care of me. This is the outfit I had on. Yup, Mommy had me on the couch taking pictures again. You can see how interested I am in the pictures....oh NOT REALLY! I was more in to the TV LOL

Oh and we put up the Christmas Tree!!! I was really interested in all that was going on. Gwen was over and she helped and we got the house all ready for Christmas and stuff. I think Mommy has a picture of me checking out the lights last night...

Mommy said we have a special angel with us everywhere we go now. Mommy even got some special ornaments for the tree. They are called Lenox. She said Mom-Mom used to collect that so she got them for the tree. They are really pretty! One is a Reindeer and a Santa and an Angel. I guess that one is Mom-Mom, our angel!!

Oh and Mommy says you can eat my toes whenever you want, Mom-Mom Ok! I love you!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mommy Sent the Picture...

Here I am with Santa Claus.....

I know I kind of blend in....LOL

Oh and Mommy was working on another editing picture of me. She said this is one of her favorite places to go and she wanted me to be there...

Monday, November 16, 2009

What A Weekend!

Wow, where to start....Daddy didn't have to work on Saturday so it was awesome! We hung out all morning. Mommy is still trying to give me that mushy stuff, she is calling it avena. Yeah I don't know it is still a little weird. But we are "working on it" Mommy says. Daddy gave me my avena on Saturday morning, while mommy was running in and out of the house. She seemed upset. Daddy told me that she was mad at Jersey because she ran up the street and wasn't coming home. So Mommy had to walk up there to go get her oh and Mommy was in her chanclas and stepped in a puddle which made her even more mad! She says I have "'tinky toes" but hers were probably bad after that. LOL Wel,l then I got all dressed up and we went to go pick up my cousin Gwen. We went out for pizza and then went to the mall to go see Santa.  They took my picture with this big guy in a red suit. Mommy, Daddy, Tio, Titi Janette and Gwen were all there. Uh, I didn't smile, but Mommy said I was just like Daddy who doesn't smile in pictures.  They tried making me smile, Tio got on the floor, they were all calling my name, but I didn't know who this guy was that was holding me! How was I supposed to smile? Come on people.

Then we stayed in the mall for a little bit. Oh man I LOVE being in my stroller. I sit all the way up and hold on to the front and love looking at all the people and what is going on. We went into a store and Mommy and Daddy bought me a winter coat. Well, I really didn't know what they were getting I was just having fun trying to grab EVERYTHING in the store!

Then we went to the thrift store. I wasn't really paying attention, Mommy said I was snoring the whole time. But Mommy did say she bought some snowman mugs to decorate the house. Yeah they are talking about this Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff. It sounds like a lot of fun....I hope it is!!

We were out most of the day and we were out all day on Sunday! I love being out. This time when we went to Tio Junior's house, and McDonald's and then the grocery store. Mommy put me in the carrier that goes around her body. Yeah that is awesome!! I get to see everything and kick my legs and move my arms. Yeah, I think I kicked Mommy a couple of times.  She started to hold my legs down LOL.

Oh yeah and Mommy cut her hair! I was a little worried, but there is still enough for me to grab on to, and when she picks me up and give me kisses, I can still feel her hair on my cheeks. I know it's my Mommy! Okay gotta go. Mommy said she was going to send me the Christmas picture with the big guy in the red suit....what's his name again???? oh yeah Santa. When she sends it, I will put it up!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mommy Keeps Sending Me Pictures to Put Up!

Yeah mommy is a little demanding these days. She keeps sending me pictures from work to put up on the blog. I am trying to hang out with Tio, play around and take it easy and she wants me to work! She is just working on that new picture maker are some she has done.

I am sure there will be more coming....okay gotta go Tio is doing something crazy and I have to check it out....

Monday, November 9, 2009

5 Months Old Today!

Mommy was working on this picture maker thing and she did this one. She likes it and says she is going to be editing a lot of pictures of me. Hey as long as I look good I am okay with it. She sends them to me and I put them up.

Now on to other issues....okay what is with this food thing...they keep trying to give me some mushy stuff on a spoon. The spoon I like because I chew on it and it makes my gums feel ohhhh so much better, but this mush, not so much. Check out this weekend with the oatmeal...

Yeah NOT happy....

Saturday morning I did a little better...but I am still not a big fan...they keep saying fruit and veggie....hmmm don't know I guess we will see
We went to the mall on Saturday to pick up some lotion for Tio. Daddy had to work, so it was just me, mommy and Titi Janette. Mommy went crazy because she said someone named "Santa" was there. But, she wouldn't let me look at anything because daddy wasn't there. I guess this is someone pretty big and important if we have to wait for daddy to go meet him. Mommy said next weekend. Okay, not sure what the big deal is, but I like when we have plans to do things!

That was a pretty fun day. I didn't want to take a nap at all. I slept for 30 mins in the car going to the mall and then I was up ALL day until 5 and then took a nap. Mommy started taking some more pictures this weekend and she is so proud of the way I am sitting up. She says I look like a "weeble" I kind of roll a little but I don't fall down. She laughs....I don't get it....maybe when I am older I will. But here are some pictures!!!

Yes she is still on her black and white picture's okay, I kind of like them too.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I Never Get Rest...Even on Halloween...

Stills are here for your viewing pleasure

*pls forgive the spelling error. I spelled reveal wrong...I'm only almost 5 months not 5 years old...okay?!?!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It Is the Simple Things That Make Me Laugh

Okay I was hanging with Tio in the kitchen and he was getting ready to cook. He really is a joker and finds the craziest things to make me laugh. Check out this video.

I am half Puerto Rican and half Dominican OF COURSE I am going to LOVE rice....I just never thought it could make me laugh so much....

Monday, October 19, 2009

This Weekend's Activities

So we had another busy weekend. Mommy got these tickets for Care Fest. They had no idea what they were getting into (my parents that is). They had never gone to this before, but it seems that mommy wants to do whatever she can do and we always do everything together. I like getting out so I don't complain....much.

Well we got to take some Halloween pictures that was cool and I got to sit in a REAL firetruck! There were a bunch of games, but I was too small for anything, which mommy knew that was going to happen, but we went anyway. Like I said I don't mind. I like to be out! So we walked around, took some pictures, talked to some people because they were asking about my glasses and just hung out. Here are some of those pictures....

Oh yeah these were my Evil Kenevil Shots......One Leg Up

Then ya like that!!!!

Oh and then yesterday mommy and daddy got me this new toy. I received some gifts from my Uncle Tuto and my Tia Gladys. With that extra money they bought me this jumper/activity center. Oh yeah I like that!!! Thank you Uncle Tuto and Tia Gladys!!!!!
