Monday, November 9, 2009

5 Months Old Today!

Mommy was working on this picture maker thing and she did this one. She likes it and says she is going to be editing a lot of pictures of me. Hey as long as I look good I am okay with it. She sends them to me and I put them up.

Now on to other issues....okay what is with this food thing...they keep trying to give me some mushy stuff on a spoon. The spoon I like because I chew on it and it makes my gums feel ohhhh so much better, but this mush, not so much. Check out this weekend with the oatmeal...

Yeah NOT happy....

Saturday morning I did a little better...but I am still not a big fan...they keep saying fruit and veggie....hmmm don't know I guess we will see
We went to the mall on Saturday to pick up some lotion for Tio. Daddy had to work, so it was just me, mommy and Titi Janette. Mommy went crazy because she said someone named "Santa" was there. But, she wouldn't let me look at anything because daddy wasn't there. I guess this is someone pretty big and important if we have to wait for daddy to go meet him. Mommy said next weekend. Okay, not sure what the big deal is, but I like when we have plans to do things!

That was a pretty fun day. I didn't want to take a nap at all. I slept for 30 mins in the car going to the mall and then I was up ALL day until 5 and then took a nap. Mommy started taking some more pictures this weekend and she is so proud of the way I am sitting up. She says I look like a "weeble" I kind of roll a little but I don't fall down. She laughs....I don't get it....maybe when I am older I will. But here are some pictures!!!

Yes she is still on her black and white picture's okay, I kind of like them too.

1 comment:

  1. Yew look so C U T E!!!
    just to say yew have very long eyelashes!!!
    cant wait to see yew!!

