Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's been a while...

Well, I knew it would be tough for mommy and daddy to keep up with this, but I know I have been a handful and they are doing their best to keep everyone up to date. Mommy can't even check her email most days. But that's okay because she is taking care of me.

So....I have been laughing a lot in my sleep and smiling for a while now. Mommy asks me if Mom-Mom plays with me in my dreams and that is why I am smiling and laughing so much...but that is between me and Mom-Mom ;) She is my perfect angel.

I am back in the hospital but everything is looking good. Hopefully they are going to work on my little jaw this week. It is called a distraction, at least that is what mommy keeps telling me, in order to get me ready. She also says she is trying to "fatten" me up to prepare me for the surgery. She has a lot of plans for me. She tells me what we are going to be doing and how things are going to happen, but honestly, I don't understand a lot of the things she says, but I know and feel that mommy and daddy will take care of me and the doctors and nurses have all been so nice that I am not worried. I do know that once they work on my jaw I will be able to breathe a lot better and eat without this tube in my really is annoying to tell you the truth. But it fills up my belly so I will take it!

I have had a really exciting past few weeks! I met my abuela from Florida and my Titi Arelis and cousins Gwen and Darwin. Also, my Uncle Otto and Janet. I also met my cousins Lauren and Nino. They are awesome. Lauren helps mommy take really good care of me and Nino just loves me so much, he gives me kisses and plays with me. I can't wait until I am bigger so we can really play together. Maybe he will teach me how to skateboard, he is always talking about that.

I know mommy hasn't put any pictures up, but her and I had a conversation and she said I can put some up. So I am going to try. The first one is of me and mommy on Father's Day. I was almost two weeks old. The other one is of my daddy and abuela and then me and my cousin Gwen. Those were last week. I was six weeks old. Enjoy!!

Well its time for me to go. I think mommy is getting my milk ready. I will let you know how things go with my surgery. Love to everyone!

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