The last 36 hours have been a bit fuzzy. And can you believe I STILL have not eaten! I think this is more torture than the braces they have on my arms. Yeah they have these wrap things that go on my arms and keep them straight so I don't grab these little metal strings that I have on my chin....yeah I will explain later...its weird. They kind of scared mommy when she saw them for the first time. Like I said, things have been fuzzy, but I KNOW mommy was a bit upset. I think daddy was also, but he doesn't show it much.
Well mommy and daddy break me free from my braces and take my arms out so they can hold my hand and kiss my arms. I try to sneak and pull it away sometimes, because I LOVE to have my hands up at my face! I was scrunched like that for months in mommy's belly. I just can't break the habit. I also love to bury my face, in mommy's shoulder, daddy's chest, and my comfy pillows at home and now I can't do least for a while.
I overheard the doctors tell mommy and daddy how much this is going to help me breathe and feed. MAN I AM HUNGRY! Just thinking about it makes me even more hungry. Well these metal strings have to be turned by mommy twice a day with a tool that looks like something daddy takes to work. But, they said it will all be worth it. I don't really know what they did, you have to ask mommy and daddy about that. I do know they twist the strings twice a day and it moves my jaw down and out! Oh Man...I am just HUNGRY. I keep trying to tell mommy and daddy and I hear them keep telling the nurses and doctors that I need to eat, but the nurses and doctors are trying to be really really safe with me and my I have to keep waiting.
Well, my cheeks are WAAAAAY bigger than before we got here, at least that is what mommy keeps saying. They should get back to normal soon. Actually I am not even sure, remember I said things have been fuzzy....well the other things I keep hearing are morphine, oxycodone, nubine, and tylenol. I think those are the things that keep things fuzzy, but I am feeling better little by little and that makes mommy and daddy very happy.
I still have more days to hang out here in the hospital. Everyone is taking good care of me. I'll keep you posted on how my little jaw is doing.
OH YES!!!! Here it comes, they are going to feed me FINALLY!!!