Mommy and daddy bought me a new stuffed dog. I don't play with Jersey at home, so they got me my own dog! He has been traveling with me lately whenever I go to the hospital. He is so soft, but he doesn't have a name! So we are taking suggestions...
Well you can see mommy and daddy take care of me and my bed. Mom-mom's bunny is with me. She was with me when mommy had me in the hospital, so she has been there since day one! I have trouble holding my bobo(paci) by myself and if mommy and daddy had to hold it all the time, they would be tied to me so they find ways to prop it up. You can see in the picture. Hey as long as it is in there, when I want it. I have no problem with how it stays there. Oh you can check out my brace in the picture. Mommy says I look like I'm going to take off flying when I have both on LOL. I can't see what I look like, but it makes mommy giggle, that's why she breaks me free, like in the picture. My other arm has a needle in there for my medicine and food, so she keeps that one on.
Well hopefully I will be moving up to the regular floor soon. Supposedly there are a lot of sick little people up there and there is no room for me yet. I hope they get better soon so they can go home to there families and their houses. That is where I want to be soon. In my own bed!
So we are taking it easy. I started to drink from the bottle again today. Mommy was nervous about me moving my jaw so much, but I did okay. It didn't hurt. I just really wanted my milk!! Mommy said I did really good for my first time after my surgery. She says we have to see how everything else goes the rest of the day.
Yeah, I know you guys have propbably been trying to see my little wires under my chin!! Ha Ha, we are tricking you a little bit. Mommy says those are a secret in pictures for now, so maybe you will get a sneak peek later....
Love you all!
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