Okay it wasn't that bad, but I scared Mommy and that wasn't good. This was the deal. It was Saturday morning and Mommy and I were up hanging out and playing. She made me breakfast and then started cleaning the kitchen. She set me up in the living room. I was playing with my walking toy and listening to music. Mommy was in the kitchen, but I didn't know she was in the kitchen. So, I went looking for her.....
I went up the stairs to go look for her.....
Mommy told me later that it had gotten quiet in the living room and she thought I was playing with my blocks and then she heard a little thump. She said she thought that I was practicing walking and I fell on my butt next to my toys and she came to check on me, but she couldn't find me. She looked in the living room and then in the dining room....she said she got scared and started calling my name.
That is when I heard her and I poked my head from around the corner at the top of the stairs.
Ooooohhhh she was upset. I know I am only supposed to go up the stairs if someone is with me, but HELLO I WAS LOOKING FOR HER! So when I saw her I smiled! I found Mommy, but she wasn't happy. She scooped me up and told me AGAIN how I wasn't supposed to go up the stairs by myself. But then she got over it and we were playing again. Man, Mommy makes this face when she gets upset and really wants me to stop doing something, her eyebrows go up and she gets really serious...I don't like that and I get really serious also. I try to reason with her sometimes. My hands go up and I kind of just look at her like, "What?" But that doesn't always work.
Oh and then Mommy was giving me a bath later that night and something else happened. Okay let me set this up. I like to drink from a cup. Mommy and Daddy give me water from the water bottles or straight from the cup. So, that is what you do with a cup, you drink from it, right?! So why she got upset I have NO IDEA.
So I am taking a bath Mommy has a big green cup she uses to pour water on my head when she washes my hair and I play with it and fill it up and pour water out and stuff. But, I decided to drink some water the other day. Come on, isn't that what it is for!? That is what you are teaching me, you drink from a cup, so naturally I drank from the cup. Okay it was kind of nasty and had a weird taste, not like the water from the water bottle and I drank way too much. So I started coughing. I mean we usually play with the cup and makes noises in the cup and it sounds really loud and funny so I think Mommy thought I was just playing with it until I started coughing. Yeah, I am not supposed to do that again either...
I heard Mommy tell Daddy we need to get other toys to play with in the tub. She said, "The cup is not going to work anymore."
Oh check it out...I think I want this for my birthday. Mommy says it is too big for me, but Daddy likes it.... Yeah, I can't touch the floor, so I think Mommy is right, but it is
sooo cool!