This weekend was cool and guess what, we all know I am not a "snow baby" but according to Mommy a "beach baby" I am. Man we went to this place called Falls Lake and Mommy and Daddy put me in the sand to feel the sand with my was so cool! I smiled when my toes first hit it! It was so cool and squishy. LOL and then I sat down and put my hands in it and start crawling in it. It was fun. Mommy said some little guys like me don't like the sand, but I do!! And then we went to hang out on the jungle gym. I didn't do much but grab a bar and then Daddy wanted to take me down to the water. Yeah he rolled up my pants andput my toes in it. WOAH what was that, way too cold, but I still like it. I can't wait for my birthday, Mommy said we are going to the beach to celebrate!
Here are some pics, Mommy put the rest on photobucket. Here is the link
Yeah Mommy thought it was cute to put me in the hole that someone else dug...I don't know, she is weird sometimes, but I love her lol
Oh and I found a new place to get into at home....LOL check it out....
And opening day for baseball. Daddy and I were ready. Though the game seems a little boring right now, but it is fun to watch Daddy get excited and start screaming. LOL They keep saying Red Sox equals Evil...not sure what that means, but GO YANKEES!!
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