Hey it looked just like the bib I have at home....don't be mad at me!
On Saturday, a lot of family came over the house to meet me. Here are some of the pictures:
This is me and my Uncle Tuto...yeah he is funny, I was checkin him out...LOL
This is my cousin Mikayla, my Tia Gladys, me and my hair twin Little Lauren HAHAHA
This is the first time me and Mikayla met. She is Mommy's cousin Mimi's daughter. She is already a year old! She was a little scared of me I think....I was trying to grab her hand.
Oh and this is my cousin Samathaly. She loved playing with me and was reading my book with me.
We just relaxed on Sunday oh and went to Woodbridge Center. It is a mall that Mommy and Daddy used to go to. Then my Tio Alex came over with my other cousin Annelisse and we were hanging out and playing. Let me tell you these people know how to party!!! Well I couldn't sleep I just hung out all day. I didn't want to miss anything! There was so much going on!
On Monday we had to leave to come back home and I was a little sad, but Nino and Lauren were coming back with us so I knew I was going to have a good time with them!! And we went to a diner for breakfast. Well I already had my breakfast but Pop Pop and Mickie came and took everyone else out to breakfast. Pop Pop always goes to this place, it is called Mercedes Cafe. Everyone liked the food. I even tried to get in on it....LOL check it out....
Yeah that is bacon....no I didn't eat it...
Okay so here is the link for the rest of the pictures of my first trip to New Jersey. Mommy said there is a lot more family that we didn't get to see, but hopefully next time. Love you all and miss ya!
Yeah Mommy still hasn't figured out how to arrange the pictures on photobucket, so they are a bit out of order....AGAIN.....
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