Orlando was AWESOME!!! We went to celebrate my birthday.....again! We stayed at this place called The Fountains, their pool is the biggest pool in Orlando and take it from me it is so COOL! They have a slide, but I couldn't go on it because Daddy said it was too fast for me. And Mommy went on it and scratched her back when she came down fell into the water, but seriously what else is new....she is always doing something to get a new boo-boo. Mommy I love you, but you need to be more careful!
Well first we saw Daddy's best friend Alex and his wife Carmen and they have this cool little dog Sparky! We got to their house really early in the morning. I slept the whole way there so it wasn't bad. Daddy said there was a really bad storm when we were driving, but I didn't wake up for anything! LOL
Well after Alex and Carmen's house we went to hotel and it was so nice. We had a balcony which was awesome because I love to be outside! And there was room for the rest of my family who was coming to visit for my birthday.
My Abuela and Titi Arelis and Gwen and Darwin came a stayed with us a couple of nights. We had a good time in the pool and hanging out and then Carmen and Alex came the next day and she made me and AWESOME cake! So we had a little party and my Florida family gave me a new patio chair and a pool for the backyard! I mean not like my old little pool, Daddy and Mommy can even sit in this one with me! I can't wait to open it up. Mommy said we have to wait until the 4th of July.
We had a really good time. I didn't even nap one day I was there. There was too much to do!! But I fell asleep really early, like around 6 or 7 Mommy said. And she said that was good for them....whatever that means. They always talk in this grown up speak that means different things than what I think. But, I guess I will get like that when I am bigger also.
Well here are some pictures and I will definitely have more from this weekend because we are going to see my Pop-Pop and the rest of my New Jersey family!! Woo Hoo!

Relaxing in the pool

Chillin with my Daddy

Hanging with my Daddy and my cuzzo Don D (he sings or raps or something LOL)

Me and my Titi Arelis

Here is my awesome cake that Carmen made for us!

Here is the gang!
Here are the rest of the Orlando, FL pictures!
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