Went to Titi Chell's in Charlotte - AWESOME
Lollie (my cousin Lauren) came and spent almost TWO WEEKS hanging out with me - WAY TOO AWESOME!!!
I have a new cousin Alexander in New Jersey - now I am no longer the baby....not so awesome
Oh and Titi Lilly had her baby Langston Emmanuel, another one of my Jersey boys, I will be hanging out with! Like Connor!!! VERY COOL!
Titi Arelis, Titi Janette, Abuela, Gwen and Darwin all came to visit me - SUPER DOOPER AWESOME
Ohhhh and doctor stuff: UNC Cleft Team Update: I AM PERFECT HAHAHAHAHAHA
Well that is what Mommy and Daddy say, I think I am doing ALLLLLLLL RIGHT!
So I am going to put up some pics, but I have to tell you all. These people at UNC at the Craniofacial Center are so funny. We went there on Tuesday. We were there really early. Yeah, not excited that Mommy woke me up at 6:45 after I stayed up late hanging out with the family. But, whatever I had to get up. So we go there, they have some awesome dinosaurs in the waiting room, this cool truck and some books so we were having a good time. Then the appointments start. It's like as soon as I get comfortable with a new game I am playing, we have to get up and go to see someone else. I mean everyone is awesome and really nice so its not that bad. But, come on they are interrupting my creative thinking and process. You know, taking the dinosaur and making sure it goes after dad or having the dinosaur take the truck head on in a battle. HAHAHA!!
Anyway, Mommy's biggest worry, well, the person she wanted to see the most was the Speech Therapist. She wants to make sure that I don't need another surgery or if I need speech classes, to get me started right away. Well, we go see Miss Lynn. She is really nice and she starts playing on the floor with me and we are talking about the different toys and animals and the plane. We were having fun. Then she goes and gets this metal thing and asks me to say certain words.
So she put the metal under my nose and says "can you say, bye-bye" Seriously, come on Miss Lynn, give me hard one! Anyway I say "bye-bye" and continue to play, then she asks me to say "ma-ma" and I say "ma-ma" and then she asks me to say "cookie" and I say "cookie" Three of my favorite easy words to say. Well she gets all excited and starts talking to Mommy about how it is hard for her to get that test done with kids my age and that my palate is working beautifully, something about the air coming out of my nose. It's all good, Mommy and Daddy seemed happy and they were all smiling and laughing. So I guess this little metal thing under my nose and me saying words makes people laugh.
Well a few minutes later Miss Lynn was checking my ears with this weird vibrating thing and I see the metal thing. I pick it up, put it under my nose and look at Mommy and say "Mommy, cookie" and start cracking up, well sure enough EVERYONE started laughing! Oh I kill me sometimes. I knew doing that would get smiles. HAHAHAHA
Well everything turned out really good and Mommy and Daddy are really happy, no palate surgery, no speech issues, so we are good!
Oh did I mention we saw the dentist.....not happy, not happy at all about that. Mommy also told me that she made an appointment with another one to get my teeth cleaned....yeah I am not excited about that either. I mean hello?! I DO have a toothbrush, but I guess I am not doing a good enough job by myself and I don't let Mommy do it for me. They ARE my teeth, you know!
Maybe I should let her do it sometimes.....
Anyway here are some pics!!

Taking in some sun...

Chilling with Daddy

Me with Titi Chell's Harry Potter glasses.

This was me and Lollie at the beach. I LOVE my cousin, She is so much fun!!!
Yeah we have more pictures of me and Lollie, but Mommy left them on her camera and didn't send it to me. This one she had on her phone and was easy for her to email.

Here is me in the waiting room at UNC. You can see the truck. I wasn't being cooperative for the pics, but Mommy wanted me to put this one up.
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