Anyway, Mommy met with Miss Kathleen and Miss Marilee yesterday and she told me they had all great things to say. They said I am doing so good that I really don't need Miss Kathleen to come to the house and play with me anymore. I was kind of sad about that because she always has new toys to play with and we do some cool stuff. But, Mommy said we will see her if I need something or when I have to do these reviews and stuff. So that is cool.
There are a couple of things Mommy said we should work on like saying my first and last name. Seriously, I am "the baby" or "Adrian" oh yeah and "the Chooch" but Mommy told me that my whole name is Adrian Corona. Well she calls me "Adrian Dickson Corona" when she gets really frustrated, but she doesn't say that all the time LOL So yesterday she kept telling me to say "Corona" so I said it and she told me to say "Adrian Corona" and kept explaining to me that was my whole name. Okay Mom, I get it. I may be two, but I am not one! Sheesh! So she got all excited when I was saying it. You know we clapped, high fived, double high five, you know the drill and then we started doing some other stuff.
Well we went upstairs for a bath. I was using my new bath crayons and Mommy was drawing shapes and writing my name in the tub and I was copying her and splashing her (oh yeah always splashing SO MUCH FUN) and then it was time for 'jamas and bed. So Mommy got me out of the tub, wrapped me in my towel and started walking out of the bathroom, but I said, "No, Mommy, this way," and pointed towards the mirror. So she stopped, I looked in the mirror and I waved and said "Bye, Adrian Corona" pronounced(A-shree-an O-ro-na) Oh man she about lost her mind!!!! Oh it is so funny to see how she gets. Then of course it was the tug of war of getting my 'jamas on lunging off the bed, having Mommy grab my legs, powder getting everywhere, and we laugh REALLY LOUD LOLOLOL
Oh, here are some pictures from the water park this past weekend. We were supposed to go the weekend before, Mommy said I would really like it, but it rained and we couldn't go so we went this past weekend. We went with Tio Junior, Tia Jackie, Junito, and Jael oh and of course Mommy and Daddy. Check it out!

"Cheese!" Of course with cookie crumbs in my mouth!

My Tia Jackie and my cousin Jael

The Other Corona Men. Can't you tell I just wanted to get back in the water!
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