Sooooo MY BAD! Yeah I know since September and so much has happened. Let's give you the quick run down.
End of September, Mommy's birthday. Yeah I was messing with her, she kept telling me to sing Happy Birthday to her, but I would sing "Happy Birthday Daddy". I don't think she liked that too much, but I thought it was HILARIOUS!!!
Mommy kept asking me what I wanted to be for Halloween. And seriously I was just excited that it was Halloween. I'm not to sure about all the dressing up stuff. We did go to the pumpkin farm and rode the train...yes, I know AWESOME!!! I love trains!!! And next best thing, I got to jump in all the hay I wanted. I mean it was really high, like I scared Mommy and Daddy AND some people watching because I was jumping off. LOL It was so cool.
Well Halloween came, I didn't want to put on the costume Mommy borrowed from my friend. It was rainy and ugly outside so we stayed in and I got to hand out the candy, until this very WEIRD person came to the door, with all this paint and stuff and I did NOT like it. Okay, I'll admit it, I got scared. I pretty much hung out on the couch the rest of the time and peeked out of the pillow when the door bell rang.
Now November has been very cool so far. We had my hearing appointment at UNC and I did awesome! My ears have gotten a little better in some parts, but Ms. Sarah thinks that is because one of my tubes fell out and my ear drum healed. Yeah, I know Mommy likes that information. I was just having a good time playing with the toys and Ms. Sarah.
And I got to hang out with some really cool people this weekend. Me and Mommy and Daddy went to Bald Head Island for the Care Project Retreat! I got to met more kids that have hearing aids and some other that have these cool things called Choclear implants. Ms. Janine called them "cokies" I like that better. I hung out with this boy Talon who was like my age and he had a little brother, Dylan. Dylan was cool, but he just stayed on the floor a lot and didn't talk much. I remember when I was that little....but Talon and I yeah once we got comfortable we got to running around and laughing and playing. I even have the bump on my head to prove it! Yeah, I tripped and fell, but its okay! Oh and I am totally loving these cheese crackers and peanut butter and goldfish now! You all know my food issues....I just don't like certain things. But, I am eating more things these days. I love me some tortilla chips and yeah before I used to lick them and spit them out. I know nasty, I have already had this conversation with Mommy AND Daddy! But now I totally eat them all up and these crackers that I saw Talon eating. So awesome. We went out and bought a whole bunch for the house.
Everyone on the retreat was awesome and it was really cool to be with other kids who had hearing aids just like me!!! Mommy and Daddy had a really good time also.
Well we are getting ready to go see Pop-Pop and Uncle Joey and all the rest of my Corona family!! I can't wait!! New Jersey here we come. Ohh and I am going to go see my boy Connor and hang out in JC!
Things are getting fun.....
I know no pictures....there will be A LOT SOON!!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
They Exist!
You know my Mommy and Daddy think they know everything, but I know what I saw. And I saw a DINOSAUR!! Yes, that is right. I am telling everyone in the world right now that I saw a dinosaur. It was big and brown and had a horn on its nose, just like the ones I have seen in books and it was walking and playing with another dinosaur. Sure, Mommy called it a rhino, but I know what I saw. It was a dinosaur.
We went to the zoo last weekend and I got to see elephants and giraffes, who looked like they were fighting with each other. We saw bears! And gorillas! And some funny monkeys called baboons that kept licking the glass thinking they were licking me! Well not really me, there were other kids there playing with the baboons. I didn't want to get too close. I mean if they think they can lick us through the glass, maybe they know a special way to do it and get know? So I kind of hung back a bit.
We rode on a school bus, well not really a school bus, but that is what I called it. It was a zebra bus, it had stripes and stuff. I also got a new car!!! I know you would think my Mommy and Daddy wouldn't buy me anymore cars. Mommy is always talking about how they are "all over the place" but we got one and it says NC Zoo on it! I took some cool pictures on the elephant statue and the bison! Here check out some pics of that day. Oh and I am going to try to put up a link to the "dinosaur video" for you guys to see.

Checking out the seal!

Me and the bison!!

Check out the bear in between me and Daddy.
(Mommy was trying to get fancy with her pictures....she tries...

Me and the baby elephant! I love the elephants

Here I am in the helicopter they use to track the elephants! I know, I look good flying this thing, right?
I will post all of the pictures later. Oh here is the video of me and Mommy Dinosaurs at the NC Zoo
We went to the zoo last weekend and I got to see elephants and giraffes, who looked like they were fighting with each other. We saw bears! And gorillas! And some funny monkeys called baboons that kept licking the glass thinking they were licking me! Well not really me, there were other kids there playing with the baboons. I didn't want to get too close. I mean if they think they can lick us through the glass, maybe they know a special way to do it and get know? So I kind of hung back a bit.
We rode on a school bus, well not really a school bus, but that is what I called it. It was a zebra bus, it had stripes and stuff. I also got a new car!!! I know you would think my Mommy and Daddy wouldn't buy me anymore cars. Mommy is always talking about how they are "all over the place" but we got one and it says NC Zoo on it! I took some cool pictures on the elephant statue and the bison! Here check out some pics of that day. Oh and I am going to try to put up a link to the "dinosaur video" for you guys to see.

Checking out the seal!

Me and the bison!!

Check out the bear in between me and Daddy.
(Mommy was trying to get fancy with her pictures....she tries...

Me and the baby elephant! I love the elephants

Here I am in the helicopter they use to track the elephants! I know, I look good flying this thing, right?
I will post all of the pictures later. Oh here is the video of me and Mommy Dinosaurs at the NC Zoo
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Beach Pictures! Old, but Still Good
Hey these are the pictures from when Lollie was here and we went to the beach!
Lollie sleeping in the car, getting ready for the beach
Me and Daddy getting crashed by the waves!!!
Mommy and Lollie
Me and Lollie hanging on the towel, playing with the sand.
Me and Lollie back home chillin' I miss you Lollie!! Come back soon and bring Nino with you!
So check out this link. This is how we get ready for the beach, music and dancing in the car LOL

Lollie sleeping in the car, getting ready for the beach

Me and Daddy getting crashed by the waves!!!

Mommy and Lollie

Me and Lollie hanging on the towel, playing with the sand.

Me and Lollie back home chillin' I miss you Lollie!! Come back soon and bring Nino with you!
So check out this link. This is how we get ready for the beach, music and dancing in the car LOL
My Annual Review
I know it sounds like I have a job, right LOL Hey my job is to be as cute as I can be, make people laugh, make my parents do what ever it is I want them to do ( I have been working on this lately and I have to say they fight me on it, but the whining actually works sometimes. I get better results when I ask for things real sweet and cute, but that isn't as fun as getting Mommy and Daddy frustrated LOL) Yeah I am two years old this how my kind roll.....
Anyway, Mommy met with Miss Kathleen and Miss Marilee yesterday and she told me they had all great things to say. They said I am doing so good that I really don't need Miss Kathleen to come to the house and play with me anymore. I was kind of sad about that because she always has new toys to play with and we do some cool stuff. But, Mommy said we will see her if I need something or when I have to do these reviews and stuff. So that is cool.
There are a couple of things Mommy said we should work on like saying my first and last name. Seriously, I am "the baby" or "Adrian" oh yeah and "the Chooch" but Mommy told me that my whole name is Adrian Corona. Well she calls me "Adrian Dickson Corona" when she gets really frustrated, but she doesn't say that all the time LOL So yesterday she kept telling me to say "Corona" so I said it and she told me to say "Adrian Corona" and kept explaining to me that was my whole name. Okay Mom, I get it. I may be two, but I am not one! Sheesh! So she got all excited when I was saying it. You know we clapped, high fived, double high five, you know the drill and then we started doing some other stuff.
Well we went upstairs for a bath. I was using my new bath crayons and Mommy was drawing shapes and writing my name in the tub and I was copying her and splashing her (oh yeah always splashing SO MUCH FUN) and then it was time for 'jamas and bed. So Mommy got me out of the tub, wrapped me in my towel and started walking out of the bathroom, but I said, "No, Mommy, this way," and pointed towards the mirror. So she stopped, I looked in the mirror and I waved and said "Bye, Adrian Corona" pronounced(A-shree-an O-ro-na) Oh man she about lost her mind!!!! Oh it is so funny to see how she gets. Then of course it was the tug of war of getting my 'jamas on lunging off the bed, having Mommy grab my legs, powder getting everywhere, and we laugh REALLY LOUD LOLOLOL
Oh, here are some pictures from the water park this past weekend. We were supposed to go the weekend before, Mommy said I would really like it, but it rained and we couldn't go so we went this past weekend. We went with Tio Junior, Tia Jackie, Junito, and Jael oh and of course Mommy and Daddy. Check it out!
"Cheese!" Of course with cookie crumbs in my mouth!
My Tia Jackie and my cousin Jael
The Other Corona Men. Can't you tell I just wanted to get back in the water!
Anyway, Mommy met with Miss Kathleen and Miss Marilee yesterday and she told me they had all great things to say. They said I am doing so good that I really don't need Miss Kathleen to come to the house and play with me anymore. I was kind of sad about that because she always has new toys to play with and we do some cool stuff. But, Mommy said we will see her if I need something or when I have to do these reviews and stuff. So that is cool.
There are a couple of things Mommy said we should work on like saying my first and last name. Seriously, I am "the baby" or "Adrian" oh yeah and "the Chooch" but Mommy told me that my whole name is Adrian Corona. Well she calls me "Adrian Dickson Corona" when she gets really frustrated, but she doesn't say that all the time LOL So yesterday she kept telling me to say "Corona" so I said it and she told me to say "Adrian Corona" and kept explaining to me that was my whole name. Okay Mom, I get it. I may be two, but I am not one! Sheesh! So she got all excited when I was saying it. You know we clapped, high fived, double high five, you know the drill and then we started doing some other stuff.
Well we went upstairs for a bath. I was using my new bath crayons and Mommy was drawing shapes and writing my name in the tub and I was copying her and splashing her (oh yeah always splashing SO MUCH FUN) and then it was time for 'jamas and bed. So Mommy got me out of the tub, wrapped me in my towel and started walking out of the bathroom, but I said, "No, Mommy, this way," and pointed towards the mirror. So she stopped, I looked in the mirror and I waved and said "Bye, Adrian Corona" pronounced(A-shree-an O-ro-na) Oh man she about lost her mind!!!! Oh it is so funny to see how she gets. Then of course it was the tug of war of getting my 'jamas on lunging off the bed, having Mommy grab my legs, powder getting everywhere, and we laugh REALLY LOUD LOLOLOL
Oh, here are some pictures from the water park this past weekend. We were supposed to go the weekend before, Mommy said I would really like it, but it rained and we couldn't go so we went this past weekend. We went with Tio Junior, Tia Jackie, Junito, and Jael oh and of course Mommy and Daddy. Check it out!

"Cheese!" Of course with cookie crumbs in my mouth!

My Tia Jackie and my cousin Jael

The Other Corona Men. Can't you tell I just wanted to get back in the water!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I KNOW It Has Been OVER A Month Now!!
But let me give you the run down:
Went to Titi Chell's in Charlotte - AWESOME
Lollie (my cousin Lauren) came and spent almost TWO WEEKS hanging out with me - WAY TOO AWESOME!!!
I have a new cousin Alexander in New Jersey - now I am no longer the baby....not so awesome
Oh and Titi Lilly had her baby Langston Emmanuel, another one of my Jersey boys, I will be hanging out with! Like Connor!!! VERY COOL!
Titi Arelis, Titi Janette, Abuela, Gwen and Darwin all came to visit me - SUPER DOOPER AWESOME
Ohhhh and doctor stuff: UNC Cleft Team Update: I AM PERFECT HAHAHAHAHAHA
Well that is what Mommy and Daddy say, I think I am doing ALLLLLLLL RIGHT!
So I am going to put up some pics, but I have to tell you all. These people at UNC at the Craniofacial Center are so funny. We went there on Tuesday. We were there really early. Yeah, not excited that Mommy woke me up at 6:45 after I stayed up late hanging out with the family. But, whatever I had to get up. So we go there, they have some awesome dinosaurs in the waiting room, this cool truck and some books so we were having a good time. Then the appointments start. It's like as soon as I get comfortable with a new game I am playing, we have to get up and go to see someone else. I mean everyone is awesome and really nice so its not that bad. But, come on they are interrupting my creative thinking and process. You know, taking the dinosaur and making sure it goes after dad or having the dinosaur take the truck head on in a battle. HAHAHA!!
Anyway, Mommy's biggest worry, well, the person she wanted to see the most was the Speech Therapist. She wants to make sure that I don't need another surgery or if I need speech classes, to get me started right away. Well, we go see Miss Lynn. She is really nice and she starts playing on the floor with me and we are talking about the different toys and animals and the plane. We were having fun. Then she goes and gets this metal thing and asks me to say certain words.
So she put the metal under my nose and says "can you say, bye-bye" Seriously, come on Miss Lynn, give me hard one! Anyway I say "bye-bye" and continue to play, then she asks me to say "ma-ma" and I say "ma-ma" and then she asks me to say "cookie" and I say "cookie" Three of my favorite easy words to say. Well she gets all excited and starts talking to Mommy about how it is hard for her to get that test done with kids my age and that my palate is working beautifully, something about the air coming out of my nose. It's all good, Mommy and Daddy seemed happy and they were all smiling and laughing. So I guess this little metal thing under my nose and me saying words makes people laugh.
Well a few minutes later Miss Lynn was checking my ears with this weird vibrating thing and I see the metal thing. I pick it up, put it under my nose and look at Mommy and say "Mommy, cookie" and start cracking up, well sure enough EVERYONE started laughing! Oh I kill me sometimes. I knew doing that would get smiles. HAHAHAHA
Well everything turned out really good and Mommy and Daddy are really happy, no palate surgery, no speech issues, so we are good!
Oh did I mention we saw the dentist.....not happy, not happy at all about that. Mommy also told me that she made an appointment with another one to get my teeth cleaned....yeah I am not excited about that either. I mean hello?! I DO have a toothbrush, but I guess I am not doing a good enough job by myself and I don't let Mommy do it for me. They ARE my teeth, you know!
Maybe I should let her do it sometimes.....
Anyway here are some pics!!
Taking in some sun...
Chilling with Daddy
Me with Titi Chell's Harry Potter glasses.
This was me and Lollie at the beach. I LOVE my cousin, She is so much fun!!!
Yeah we have more pictures of me and Lollie, but Mommy left them on her camera and didn't send it to me. This one she had on her phone and was easy for her to email.
Here is me in the waiting room at UNC. You can see the truck. I wasn't being cooperative for the pics, but Mommy wanted me to put this one up.
Went to Titi Chell's in Charlotte - AWESOME
Lollie (my cousin Lauren) came and spent almost TWO WEEKS hanging out with me - WAY TOO AWESOME!!!
I have a new cousin Alexander in New Jersey - now I am no longer the baby....not so awesome
Oh and Titi Lilly had her baby Langston Emmanuel, another one of my Jersey boys, I will be hanging out with! Like Connor!!! VERY COOL!
Titi Arelis, Titi Janette, Abuela, Gwen and Darwin all came to visit me - SUPER DOOPER AWESOME
Ohhhh and doctor stuff: UNC Cleft Team Update: I AM PERFECT HAHAHAHAHAHA
Well that is what Mommy and Daddy say, I think I am doing ALLLLLLLL RIGHT!
So I am going to put up some pics, but I have to tell you all. These people at UNC at the Craniofacial Center are so funny. We went there on Tuesday. We were there really early. Yeah, not excited that Mommy woke me up at 6:45 after I stayed up late hanging out with the family. But, whatever I had to get up. So we go there, they have some awesome dinosaurs in the waiting room, this cool truck and some books so we were having a good time. Then the appointments start. It's like as soon as I get comfortable with a new game I am playing, we have to get up and go to see someone else. I mean everyone is awesome and really nice so its not that bad. But, come on they are interrupting my creative thinking and process. You know, taking the dinosaur and making sure it goes after dad or having the dinosaur take the truck head on in a battle. HAHAHA!!
Anyway, Mommy's biggest worry, well, the person she wanted to see the most was the Speech Therapist. She wants to make sure that I don't need another surgery or if I need speech classes, to get me started right away. Well, we go see Miss Lynn. She is really nice and she starts playing on the floor with me and we are talking about the different toys and animals and the plane. We were having fun. Then she goes and gets this metal thing and asks me to say certain words.
So she put the metal under my nose and says "can you say, bye-bye" Seriously, come on Miss Lynn, give me hard one! Anyway I say "bye-bye" and continue to play, then she asks me to say "ma-ma" and I say "ma-ma" and then she asks me to say "cookie" and I say "cookie" Three of my favorite easy words to say. Well she gets all excited and starts talking to Mommy about how it is hard for her to get that test done with kids my age and that my palate is working beautifully, something about the air coming out of my nose. It's all good, Mommy and Daddy seemed happy and they were all smiling and laughing. So I guess this little metal thing under my nose and me saying words makes people laugh.
Well a few minutes later Miss Lynn was checking my ears with this weird vibrating thing and I see the metal thing. I pick it up, put it under my nose and look at Mommy and say "Mommy, cookie" and start cracking up, well sure enough EVERYONE started laughing! Oh I kill me sometimes. I knew doing that would get smiles. HAHAHAHA
Well everything turned out really good and Mommy and Daddy are really happy, no palate surgery, no speech issues, so we are good!
Oh did I mention we saw the dentist.....not happy, not happy at all about that. Mommy also told me that she made an appointment with another one to get my teeth cleaned....yeah I am not excited about that either. I mean hello?! I DO have a toothbrush, but I guess I am not doing a good enough job by myself and I don't let Mommy do it for me. They ARE my teeth, you know!
Maybe I should let her do it sometimes.....
Anyway here are some pics!!

Taking in some sun...

Chilling with Daddy

Me with Titi Chell's Harry Potter glasses.

This was me and Lollie at the beach. I LOVE my cousin, She is so much fun!!!
Yeah we have more pictures of me and Lollie, but Mommy left them on her camera and didn't send it to me. This one she had on her phone and was easy for her to email.

Here is me in the waiting room at UNC. You can see the truck. I wasn't being cooperative for the pics, but Mommy wanted me to put this one up.
Monday, July 18, 2011
WOW Has It Really Been A Month!!!
Well that just goes to show you that Mommy and Daddy have been keeping me REALLY busy!!!
So we had my birthday in North Carolina, then my birthday in Florida and then up to New Jersey where I got to hang with my cousins and see my Titi Kristy, Titi Lily, and Titi Sugi and Mia. I didn't get to see my Auntie Tracey and Connor (shout out to my best buddy who turned two on July 9th), but Mommy said next time. Oh and I got to hang with my Uncles and other Aunts and Pop Pop and Nino and Lollie it was just so much fun!!!
Mommy put a lot of those pictures on her Facebook page, so I may have to steal some from here. Oh and then we watched the fireworks with Ashley and Ronnie and Mari and Romeo. That was cool. I liked the fireworks. Daddy and Romeo put on a little show on our street. We tried to stay dry because it was raining a little bit. But it was okay.

Yeah Ashley was not under the umbrella and her mommy came out with another one for us to share.

Don't you see how awesome those fireworks are!!!! Great, right?!?!?!?!?!
Oh and yesterday we went to Sandling Beach at Falls Lake. We were there with my other cousins, Junior and Jael and our friends, Kaylynn, Maureen and Kareem and more of their family! It was like a party! we had a good time and I got to go in the water. I will put a picture of me swimming so you can see and I was building sandcastles and playing on the jungle gym or man it was a GREAT day! I can't wait until we can all do it again!! Check out the pics...

Daddy watching me swim

Me trying to get away from Daddy....sneaky sneaky... LOL

My cousin Jael and Kaylynn!!

On the jungle gym with Daddy

Building sand castles!

Me and Mommy!
Here are the rest of the pictures at Sandling Beach!
So we had my birthday in North Carolina, then my birthday in Florida and then up to New Jersey where I got to hang with my cousins and see my Titi Kristy, Titi Lily, and Titi Sugi and Mia. I didn't get to see my Auntie Tracey and Connor (shout out to my best buddy who turned two on July 9th), but Mommy said next time. Oh and I got to hang with my Uncles and other Aunts and Pop Pop and Nino and Lollie it was just so much fun!!!
Mommy put a lot of those pictures on her Facebook page, so I may have to steal some from here. Oh and then we watched the fireworks with Ashley and Ronnie and Mari and Romeo. That was cool. I liked the fireworks. Daddy and Romeo put on a little show on our street. We tried to stay dry because it was raining a little bit. But it was okay.

Yeah Ashley was not under the umbrella and her mommy came out with another one for us to share.

Don't you see how awesome those fireworks are!!!! Great, right?!?!?!?!?!
Oh and yesterday we went to Sandling Beach at Falls Lake. We were there with my other cousins, Junior and Jael and our friends, Kaylynn, Maureen and Kareem and more of their family! It was like a party! we had a good time and I got to go in the water. I will put a picture of me swimming so you can see and I was building sandcastles and playing on the jungle gym or man it was a GREAT day! I can't wait until we can all do it again!! Check out the pics...

Daddy watching me swim

Me trying to get away from Daddy....sneaky sneaky... LOL

My cousin Jael and Kaylynn!!

On the jungle gym with Daddy

Building sand castles!

Me and Mommy!
Here are the rest of the pictures at Sandling Beach!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Orlando, Florida My 2nd Birthday Part II
Yes, it has been a whole week since we came home, but Mommy has been busy and she couldn't upload the pictures, but she sent them to me and so now it's all good.
Orlando was AWESOME!!! We went to celebrate my birthday.....again! We stayed at this place called The Fountains, their pool is the biggest pool in Orlando and take it from me it is so COOL! They have a slide, but I couldn't go on it because Daddy said it was too fast for me. And Mommy went on it and scratched her back when she came down fell into the water, but seriously what else is new....she is always doing something to get a new boo-boo. Mommy I love you, but you need to be more careful!
Well first we saw Daddy's best friend Alex and his wife Carmen and they have this cool little dog Sparky! We got to their house really early in the morning. I slept the whole way there so it wasn't bad. Daddy said there was a really bad storm when we were driving, but I didn't wake up for anything! LOL
Well after Alex and Carmen's house we went to hotel and it was so nice. We had a balcony which was awesome because I love to be outside! And there was room for the rest of my family who was coming to visit for my birthday.
My Abuela and Titi Arelis and Gwen and Darwin came a stayed with us a couple of nights. We had a good time in the pool and hanging out and then Carmen and Alex came the next day and she made me and AWESOME cake! So we had a little party and my Florida family gave me a new patio chair and a pool for the backyard! I mean not like my old little pool, Daddy and Mommy can even sit in this one with me! I can't wait to open it up. Mommy said we have to wait until the 4th of July.
We had a really good time. I didn't even nap one day I was there. There was too much to do!! But I fell asleep really early, like around 6 or 7 Mommy said. And she said that was good for them....whatever that means. They always talk in this grown up speak that means different things than what I think. But, I guess I will get like that when I am bigger also.
Well here are some pictures and I will definitely have more from this weekend because we are going to see my Pop-Pop and the rest of my New Jersey family!! Woo Hoo!

Relaxing in the pool

Chillin with my Daddy

Hanging with my Daddy and my cuzzo Don D (he sings or raps or something LOL)

Me and my Titi Arelis

Here is my awesome cake that Carmen made for us!

Here is the gang!
Here are the rest of the Orlando, FL pictures!
Orlando was AWESOME!!! We went to celebrate my birthday.....again! We stayed at this place called The Fountains, their pool is the biggest pool in Orlando and take it from me it is so COOL! They have a slide, but I couldn't go on it because Daddy said it was too fast for me. And Mommy went on it and scratched her back when she came down fell into the water, but seriously what else is new....she is always doing something to get a new boo-boo. Mommy I love you, but you need to be more careful!
Well first we saw Daddy's best friend Alex and his wife Carmen and they have this cool little dog Sparky! We got to their house really early in the morning. I slept the whole way there so it wasn't bad. Daddy said there was a really bad storm when we were driving, but I didn't wake up for anything! LOL
Well after Alex and Carmen's house we went to hotel and it was so nice. We had a balcony which was awesome because I love to be outside! And there was room for the rest of my family who was coming to visit for my birthday.
My Abuela and Titi Arelis and Gwen and Darwin came a stayed with us a couple of nights. We had a good time in the pool and hanging out and then Carmen and Alex came the next day and she made me and AWESOME cake! So we had a little party and my Florida family gave me a new patio chair and a pool for the backyard! I mean not like my old little pool, Daddy and Mommy can even sit in this one with me! I can't wait to open it up. Mommy said we have to wait until the 4th of July.
We had a really good time. I didn't even nap one day I was there. There was too much to do!! But I fell asleep really early, like around 6 or 7 Mommy said. And she said that was good for them....whatever that means. They always talk in this grown up speak that means different things than what I think. But, I guess I will get like that when I am bigger also.
Well here are some pictures and I will definitely have more from this weekend because we are going to see my Pop-Pop and the rest of my New Jersey family!! Woo Hoo!

Relaxing in the pool

Chillin with my Daddy

Hanging with my Daddy and my cuzzo Don D (he sings or raps or something LOL)

Me and my Titi Arelis

Here is my awesome cake that Carmen made for us!

Here is the gang!
Here are the rest of the Orlando, FL pictures!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Yes, It's Official....I Am TWO!!!
Oh man what a weekend! Well on my birthday on Thursday the 9th, Mommy brought home a cool cupcake and we sang Happy Birthday and I got a present from Ms. Marion, Mommy's friend at work and then I got my present from Mommy and Daddy. Whoa Man it was awesome! it is a table that has a choo choo and boats and you put water in it and you can splash and play with these things by pouring water in them and it makes wheels is so much fun. And honestly I don't know why Mommy was frustrated about me going to be that night. Her and Daddy gave me my present late. What do you think? That I am NOT going to play with it....yeah, right!
Here is my new table!

Well then on Saturday we had a birthday party to go to for our friend Jennifer and then we had MY BIRTHDAY PARTY on SUNDAY!!!
And Titi Chell and Mike came and all my friends from the neighborhood! We had so much fun. We played with my new table outside and everyone was getting wet. It was AWESOME! And Daddy make some funny balloon animals and hats and then we blew up those balloons that stay up in the air, Mommy calls them helium and we had stickers to makes faces on them. Everyone got one and had a chance to make there own. Mommy said we were all being CREATIVE...LOL
We just all had a good time hanging out and playing. I got an awesome scooter from my boy Connor and his parents, Auntie Tracey and Uncle Phil up in New Jersey. I got a motorcycle from my friend Kaylynn and her mommy and daddy. Mommy and Daddy got my the helmet and pads so I can protect myself...(yeah that was the boring gift, but I did wear it). I got some cool new clothes and awesome new cars and trucks. It was just great!!
Check out the cake my Titi Chell made me!!!

Here is a link to all of the pictures of my Second Birthday
Here is my new table!

Well then on Saturday we had a birthday party to go to for our friend Jennifer and then we had MY BIRTHDAY PARTY on SUNDAY!!!
And Titi Chell and Mike came and all my friends from the neighborhood! We had so much fun. We played with my new table outside and everyone was getting wet. It was AWESOME! And Daddy make some funny balloon animals and hats and then we blew up those balloons that stay up in the air, Mommy calls them helium and we had stickers to makes faces on them. Everyone got one and had a chance to make there own. Mommy said we were all being CREATIVE...LOL
We just all had a good time hanging out and playing. I got an awesome scooter from my boy Connor and his parents, Auntie Tracey and Uncle Phil up in New Jersey. I got a motorcycle from my friend Kaylynn and her mommy and daddy. Mommy and Daddy got my the helmet and pads so I can protect myself...(yeah that was the boring gift, but I did wear it). I got some cool new clothes and awesome new cars and trucks. It was just great!!
Check out the cake my Titi Chell made me!!!

Here is a link to all of the pictures of my Second Birthday
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I got a haircut!! Yeah, Mommy posted some stuff on her Facebook page, but I really needed to update my blog. And it was not bad at all! I had fun sitting in the police car. They put this cape on me and Ms. Miley started snipping away.
You know, it was about time. I mean I like my hair but it was just getting to be too much with it in my eyes. I really like it now because I don't have to keep pushing it out of my face!!! I was making Mommy and Daddy put ponytails on me it was getting so bad.
Here are a couple of pics of the journey.....and Daddy taped almost 10 minutes of them cutting my hair! I also think he was more nervous than anyone else.

Check out my tight curls LOL
Then on Sunday we went Downtown to Artsplosure and I got to get on the cool police motocycle!!!! Woo Woo Woo!!!!

Until the next adventure!!!! There will be many coming up soon. We are going to Titi Chell's to play in the pool and with the dogs!! I can't wait!
You know, it was about time. I mean I like my hair but it was just getting to be too much with it in my eyes. I really like it now because I don't have to keep pushing it out of my face!!! I was making Mommy and Daddy put ponytails on me it was getting so bad.
Here are a couple of pics of the journey.....and Daddy taped almost 10 minutes of them cutting my hair! I also think he was more nervous than anyone else.

Check out my tight curls LOL
Then on Sunday we went Downtown to Artsplosure and I got to get on the cool police motocycle!!!! Woo Woo Woo!!!!

Until the next adventure!!!! There will be many coming up soon. We are going to Titi Chell's to play in the pool and with the dogs!! I can't wait!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Well....Here We Go!!!! Ears, Family Fun Day and Almost TWO!
Yes, I am in a tree!
So, it has been a bit of a trip these days, Mommy was REALLY sick and lost her voice! That was kind of funny, but she said she was sad that she couldn't talk to me. She is almost completely better. I had another sinus infection, some crazy red rash Mommy called Roseolea and a double ear infection! Yeah go figure, but I am doing a lot a lot a lot better. I had my hearing checked on Tuesday and they couldn't check my left one because it was still funky, but my right one has never been better! Mommy was very happy.
We have to go back in July to check my left ear. I am sure everything will be good!
So we went to Carowinds this past weekend. Oh wow that was so much fun! We had Daddy's job's Family Fun Day! I went on rides, a helicopter and drove a car and went up really high to see the whole park it was AWESOME! and I saw Snoopy and was running around and I got to throw a baseball and a basketball and play games with Daddy, Mommy, Titi Chell and Mike. Yeah Titi Chell and Mike came and hung out with us. We had so much fun.
We actually went out to eat the day before and Titi Chell bought me new crayons and markers and paper and we were drawing at the table and having a good time!
I would have posted all this sooner, but I had to wait....until Titi Chell and Mike sent Mommy their pictures! They took FOREVER!!! But Mike finally got them off the camera and gave them to Titi Chell.
Here are some pictures from the day at Carowinds.

Me with Mommy on the Whirlybirds

Eating Ice Cream with Daddy. This was my first push up popsicle! I liked it!

Checking out the sights from Titi Chell's lap. Those Choo Choo's were CRAZY! Mommy kept calling them roller coasters, but they were very very very fast Choo Choos. I don't know what she is talking about.

Driving a car with Daddy. Daddy kept blowing the horn! A L O T !!!
Oh and June is going to be a crazy month, I will turn TWO!!!! And we are going to have a family party at the house and then the next weekend we are going to Florida for a birthday trip and Father's Day and then a special trip to New Jersey for lots of family fun with my cousins!!! Oh Mommy says she is tired just thinking about it. LOL She is funny.
Here is the link to the rest of our pictures at Carowinds. I hope you enjoy!!!
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