Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so excited! We are going to New Jersey tonight! I get to see the rest of Mommy and Daddy's family. Can't wait to get kisses from everyone!!

See you all soon!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Check Up Time!

Yeah Yeah Yeah....I got shots...a lot of them....not happy....and I SERIOUSLY

For real, what is the point??? I rip those bad boys off as soon as they get on me!!

Well here are the stats: 24lbs 11oz and 31 inches tall.

And I am "ahead of the curve" according to my doctor. Mommy was excited about that. I really am just being myself and doing what I need to do.

So we were waiting for a while to see Dr. Collazo and Mommy was playing with me and took a video of me. She is trying to get me to talk. She caught a bit. Check it out.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I Know I Know...It Has Been A While

Things have been pretty hectic. Well first off I went to see my Cleft Team at UNC and everything is going really well! They are happy with my speech development so far and my palate looks good and they feel it is working well also. Mommy and Daddy were really happy about that. The only thing we are still working on it my eating...yeah I am still not a fan of "real food" as Mommy calls it. I mean hello I am eating!! I just don't like the chunks and stuff. It's just not my thing. We are actually going to see Leah my feeding specialist at UNC today so they can watch me eat. Yeah how boring is that going to be FOR THEM!!! I may just have to put on a show. Mommy says I do it every night for dinner, why not for my snack time. HA HA HA!!!

Oh Halloween was awesome!! I was a LION ROOOAAARRRRR!!!! Mommy said she put pictures of me on Facebook. Yeah, I don't like that because I don't know how to get on it. She won't give me the password and I can't really make sure she is putting up the good is kind of frustrating. But, she is Mommy and I have to do what she says.

Well HOPEFULLY we will be going to New Jersey for Thanksgiving!! There is a lot going on up there that weekend and it would be awesome, but we are waiting to get the "ok" from Daddy's job. I don't know why we can't just go, but I think there are things that grown ups have to do that I don't know about. So I won't question too much, but I WOULD LOVE to see my Pop-Pop!!!

Oh check it out, one night Mommy said Daddy had to work late because he was stuck at a job and I was "the man of the house". So I figured I would do what Daddy does......

I took his spot on the couch and opened up my laptop!!! That is what Daddy does every night LOLOL.

Oh hey Mommy took this video of me this morning. Please don't mind my hair. We just got up and Mommy got me dressed, but she doesn't fix my hair until we are getting ready to leave. LOL

