Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Preparing for Thanksgiving!

Wow we had another fun weekend!! Mommy and I had a morning just the two of us and we went shopping for all the stuff she needs to make for Thanksgiving. I sat up big and strong in the seat of the shopping cart! That was cool, but after we left the first store I got really tired and we didn't stay long at the second store. Sorry Mommy....

Well on Saturday night I had a friend come visit me! His name is Tre. Daddy's friend from work came over with his family and he has a little person just like me, well he was a little bit bigger. He was doing this thing holding onto the table and moving around it. Mommy said he was walking. That looked SO cool. I kept watching him. I would hold on to the table for a little bit, but didn't walk yet. Mommy said it is okay. She is in no rush. We had fun hanging on the couch. Here are some pictures. Daddy is holding me and Tre's mommy is holding him. Check it out.

Mommy said I was having a "teaching moment" in this picture....LOL

Well that was fun and then on Sunday we went to Tio Junior's house to celebrate him getting his plumbing license....yeah I don't know what that is, but he is really happy, so I will be happy for him. I had a good time. I was playing with a little girl named Jasmine and I met a lot of people. I got a little nervous when I first got there, but I knew Mommy and Daddy were there and they would take care of me. This is the outfit I had on. Yup, Mommy had me on the couch taking pictures again. You can see how interested I am in the pictures....oh NOT REALLY! I was more in to the TV LOL

Oh and we put up the Christmas Tree!!! I was really interested in all that was going on. Gwen was over and she helped and we got the house all ready for Christmas and stuff. I think Mommy has a picture of me checking out the lights last night...

Mommy said we have a special angel with us everywhere we go now. Mommy even got some special ornaments for the tree. They are called Lenox. She said Mom-Mom used to collect that so she got them for the tree. They are really pretty! One is a Reindeer and a Santa and an Angel. I guess that one is Mom-Mom, our angel!!

Oh and Mommy says you can eat my toes whenever you want, Mom-Mom Ok! I love you!!

1 comment:

  1. i can not belive that you put up your christmas tree already! But thats okay[:..(p*s. its a good felling when mom-mom eats your tinky toes!! i used to love that && she'll be watching you all the time!!

