Monday, May 3, 2010

Summer Time Baby! Woo-Hoo

Well we had a great weekend. Titi Chell came to spend time with me this weekend. And we got a grill, which was a little adventure, trying to get it in Titi Chell's truck, but Mommy kept saying what a great deal it was. And then we got some new chairs for the backyard and we spent most of the day out there on Sunday.

I was helping Mommy and Daddy put the table together...well I was really just supervising...LOL and then when we got it all together we were all hanging outside. Tio and Titi Janette came outside too. And then Mommy brought out this thing they called my pool.....WHOA! It was really hot outside and Daddy asked Mommy to bring it out for me. It was kind of like my bath but not, because the water was cooler and I had to wear shorts....interesting I my bathtub I am naked but in this pool I wear shorts, but it is kind of the same thing! There are just so many rules and things to learn....Well in this pool I stayed a lot longer then when Mommy gives me a bath and I was playing with more toys and splashing around. Even Daddy put his head in the water! He is so silly sometimes.

And then we made some burgers and hot dogs. Well Mommy did and Titi Chell made some baked beans, that only her and Titi Jannette like. Everyone was excited about the food, but I was happy hanging out in my pool! Here check out some of the pictures.

Yes we use sunblock....Mommy was yelling from inside the house to put it on me.... and yes that is Titi Chell's finger in the picture....

Daddy is always doing something...I think he was trying to spike my hair up....

I wasn't quite sure what I was in for at this point. I just know it was hot and Daddy wanted to create some special effects for my picture. Soooo there are the bubbles...

Ohhhh yeah it was a bit bright, but nice a cool. Mommy kept putting me back under the hood and they moved the pool so I had more shade.

LOL this was Daddy's attempt to give me a Mohawk!!

This is Mommy and me being silly!

It was awesome. I can't wait for next weekend. Maybe we can do it again!

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