Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So...Why Do They Keep Saying "Terrible Two"

Seriously I don't know if I get what they are talking about. I think I am a GREAT toddler! And so does Mommy and Daddy and the rest of the family, but every once in a while I hear them say "Oh, here come the terrible twos" They usually say it when I get mad, but HELLO who WOULDN'T get mad?! I mean, if I want to walk in the store instead of the sitting in the boring cart, why can't I? Mommy and Daddy walk all the time, why is it so different for me? They pick up things off the shelves and put them in the cart. I can do that too! (And I usually do, Mommy lets me help when I get really fussy about having to ride in the cart.)

So what if I don't want to take a bath right the second Mommy says we have to take a bath. I was busy putting my trucks away.......don't you ALWAYS ask me to put my trucks away Mommy? I am just doing my job. And seriously, if I am NOT hungry, why try to feed me? I tell you "No" when you ask if I am hungry or want to eat. But you still try anyway. I mean yeah I always end up eating my food because I HAVE TO. And so what if I will eat cookie after cookie after cookie, they taste WAAAAAAAAAY better then my regular food. Who wouldn't want to eat them.

You know, I like things the way I like them, if I am playing with my toys and someone else wants to play with it, why do I have to let them? I clearly tell them it is "mine" just so we know what is what. You know if Mommy wants to get on the lap top when Daddy is on it, she waits until HE is finished. Why can't people wait until I am done with my toys before I have to give them up?

Look, I try to be calm and wait, but if I need to tell you something, I am going to call you over and over and over again until you listen to me or at least say "Yes, Adrian". That is just the way it is. Mommy tells me I need to wait if she is talking to Daddy, but seriously 'come on. I know you are going to stop what you are doing and help me out. I just know it!!!

Oh hold on a second, Mommy asked me if she can put something on here. She says she wants everyone to read it.

Adrian: I want everyone to know that you are a wonderful, smart, personality filled little man. You are a blessing and the best thing to ever happen to your Daddy and I. We love you love you love you! I know you think you are grown and we have acknowledged that you have a mind of your own, but until you can wipe your own little culito you will be our baby, you will have to share your toys, stay in the cart (there are too many people in the store sometimes) and eat when we tell you. Don't try to grow up too fast! Love you Chooch

Awwww Mommy, thanks.

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