Monday, December 7, 2009

What is this AWESOME Orange Stuff!?

Mommy gave me this orange stuff on the spoon again...I know she tries...I was a little skeptical but wow it was pretty good. She kept making goofy faces and saying "HMMMM, that's good, right?" She seemed to be a bit more excited than I was, but it was good. I have to admit. She said it was sweet potatoes. I did a lot better on Sunday also. I am not eating A LOT of it, but Mommy was worried about my swallowing and I did a lot better with that. I guess the more practice the better. I wonder what is the next thing she is going to put on that spoon....hmmmm....

Anyways, oh Mommy wanted you guys to see how I "chill out" in my high chair. I don't know what it is, but I am just more comfortable putting my leg up on the middle part of my chair. It is like a little foot rest I guess. Mommy says I think I am big man already. LOL

Oh and I shocked Mommy last was kind of funny. Well Mommy had just given me my bath and we were going to go back downstairs to go hang out with Daddy before bedtime. She put me in my crib sitting down and went to the bathroom. Yeah I was a bit upset because I did not want to be in there so I started crying....what do you want me to do? I can't talk yet! Well Mommy was in the bathroom next door emptying out my tub and she is talking to me trying to calm me down, but I wanted out so there was no stopping me. Mommy finished real quick and walked back to my room and stopped at the door and then she started calling for Daddy to come upstairs right away! I didn't know what all the commotion was about, but apparently it was a BIG thing that I pulled myself up on the side of my crib and was standing there, crying waiting for Mommy. Well when I saw her at the door, I just sat back down and let go and Daddy didn't see. But Mommy told Gwen and Tio and Titi and was talking about lowering my mattress. WOW what a reaction. I may just have to do that again sometime.....I mean I just stood up people, no big deal I have been trying to climb onto everything lately. Yeah Mommy says I look funny when I am on my hands and knees and I just move back and forth. She say I look like I am revving myself up to take off, but I usually just go backwards these days...LOL

Oh Mommy is working on some new pictures since I will be 6 months in 2 days!! Let's see what she sends me later.

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