Monday, September 7, 2009

My First BBQ and Game of Dominoes

Good thing mommy and daddy decided to have a BBQ yesterday, because today is an ugly and rainy day. Daddy said Labor Day is a day to relax so we were all relaxing! Check out my belly picture hehehe... I was just taking it easy on mommy's lap.

It was me, mommy, daddy, Tio Otto, Titi Jeanette, and my cousin Gwen. Mommy was cooking on the grill, Tio and daddy were playing dominoes and I wanted to get into the game, so daddy put me on his lap to play. Mommy says I get my serious side from my daddy and my "smile boy" side from her.

We had a lot of fun. I really like being outside. The sun gets a little bright sometimes, but my family makes sure my eyes are protected. Yeah I like this BBQ thing. They are fun. My family gets together outside, everyone is laughing, the music is playing and everyone wants to give me hugs and take pictures of me..oh yeah this is great. I wonder when the next one will be!!

1 comment:

  1. WTFFFF!!!! You are toooo COOL lil man!!!!! We cant wait to meet you in person!!!!

